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Thread: Starting trouble - Golf MK5 TDI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Users Country Flag

    Question Starting trouble - Golf MK5 TDI

    Hey guys
    Hoping someone may have a bit of advice before I go and spend an arm & a leg!

    My Golf (MK5 TDI GT 2.0 (160k)) doesn't like cold starting. I've had it for 2 years and its been doing it most of that time.. so it never starts first crank, usually always second but sometimes it faults out with a warning message. I just turn it off and wait a minute then try again and it will start.

    Every now and then if I haven't used the car for a couple days it won't start at all and i'll have to charge the batter
    • I took it to the mechanic and he noticed the G28 code but he couldn't pin point the problem or quote for repair at that time.
    • I have had the battery tested. It's sitting a bit low and maybe on the way out but its only 2 years old?

    Note that the crank is random every time - sometimes slow (like sounding low battery) but sometimes really fast.

    I've had advice to replace the starter but I'm not convinced that's the issue.

    I've been lazy and never minded this issue but I'm planning to sell the car soon as I'm moving interstate and I want to be honest/fix the issue before a sale.

    Anyone with some tips on how to move forward would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag
    The Mk5 GT's are getting old now, it could be a number of things (injectors / injector seals / glow plugs / starter motor / old battery / fuel pump / perished rubber fuel lines etc etc) but if you have an error for the G28 sensor then I would suggest you get this replaced first and go from there.

    The G28 sensor is pretty cheap but labour to install it will cost a bit as the sensor is located on the flywheel. This should be the correct part for a Mk5 GT with the 125kw diesel engine

    Also refer this thread: 125kw TDI Golf MkV BMN - Engine Speed Sensor (G2 and P3138 Intake Manifold Dev Errs

    I would recommend you take it to Andrew Robinson Automotive in Derwent Park for him to diagnose.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  3. #3

    Probably sound advice but I am just relieved that the engine wasn't firing because when I saw "Starting trouble" I thought Liztoo was referring to me.
    If the answer to the Monty Hall problem was 50/50, the contestant, on average, would win the car 50% of the time simply by sticking with their original guess...but you can only win a one-in-three guessing game 33.33% of the time so it can't be 50/50, can it?

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