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Thread: Coolant Leaking Fast - Jetta 2009 TDi 1.6

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Sydney NSW

    Exclamation Coolant Leaking Fast - Jetta 2009 TDi 1.6

    My 2009 TDi Jetta has done around 160000kms. Few weeks ago I noticed the coolant alarm in the dashboard which I topped up with coolant. It happened again after a week and I did the same. This morning again I received the same alarm but I found that coolant reservoir is completely empty. When filled it and started the car, I drove around 100m and the alarm sounded again, when I opened the coolant reservoir and found it completely empty, I added the coolant again and checked under the car and found all the coolant leaked on the road. So whereever the leak is its pretty bad as cant keep any coolant in reservoir for more than few minutes. I rung few dealerships to book an appointment so they can check the issue but was told no appointments till mid December.

    I wonder if I can try to rectify the issue myself as I am generally good with oil changes and basic stuff around the car. I would really appreciate if anyone can guide me how to approach this issue.

  2. #2
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    New waterpump time $1000+ do the timing belt at same time
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  3. #3
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    I'd venture to say that it is not a job for the average person because, as Hillbilly has said, you need to do the timing belt as well while the engine is partly disassembled. Try and find a specialist VW or Euro car workshop close to you. Cheers-John

  4. #4
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    Thank you both for your advice, Can anyone recommend a vw specialist around Sydney Area. I am not sure even if i should drive with far with no coolant in reservoir.

    I once went to non dealership mechanic and asked them to replace the fuel filter which they did but after that I got call that he was not able to start the car. Never went to him after that experience.

  5. #5
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    Is there a website where i can search vw parts via vin or au model

  6. #6
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    Try AJ Motorsport in Croydon Park. Its not far from Kingsgrove. AJ Motorsport Facebook page He does a lot of VW/Audi work and is well regarded by his customers.

    If you are lucky then you might just have a crack in your coolant bottle, a tear in one of the coolant lines/hoses, or a crack in one of the many plastic coolant flanges. If you are unlucky then you might have a failed waterpump that is leaking.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 23-11-2022 at 12:59 PM.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucca View Post
    Thank you both for your advice, Can anyone recommend a vw specialist around Sydney Area. I am not sure even if i should drive with far with no coolant in reservoir.

    I once went to non dealership mechanic and asked them to replace the fuel filter which they did but after that I got call that he was not able to start the car. Never went to him after that experience.
    If its leaking that fast no you shouldnt drive anywhere As a new motor would be about $7000
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  8. #8
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    Have we established where this leak is before jumping into a bad waterpump? I feel it needs a good looking at first. Could easily be a split pipe or blown plastic outlet.

    Have a look under the bonnet with a torch and let us know.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    Have we established where this leak is before jumping into a bad waterpump? I feel it needs a good looking at first. Could easily be a split pipe or blown plastic outlet.

    Have a look under the bonnet with a torch and let us know.
    Certainly possible but seems the OP hasnt bothered to look very much and water pump is a fairly usual problem If its emptying the bottle in a few minutes should be pretty obvious where its coming from as water will be pissing out somewhere
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  10. #10
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    Thank you all , it turned out to be a leaked oil cooler which had to be replaced.

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