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Thread: Coil arcing problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Coil arcing problem

    Just picked up my interstate 'sight unseen' 71 superbug and it's running like @#@&% with no pwer under load . I noticed that the coil was arcing from the body of it to the lead that goes to the distributor .its a hec 715 coil . Thinking that was the problem I replaced that but it's now thing is the leads!!??
    Has any one come across this problem .
    The engine has some work done to it and is running twin 40 's and should have some good power behind it !!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag

    Leads are as likely a problem as the coil itself. make sure the coil is bone dry and free from anything that could conduct. Clean with brake cleaner or something like that.

    On a points system, I'd just do a set of leads anyway. Having had Minis run on 3 cylinders with a whiff of moisture in the air, it just makes sense

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