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Thread: Collection of POI's

  1. #1
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    Collection of POI's

    Firmware 3xxx and above allows you to make your own POI database on an SD card, and then load it onto the unit. Where before, you would have had to write a new disc each time you wanted to upgrade the POI, you can now just delete the copied database from the RNS, and load a new one on.

    Aussietig's collection, he's done a great job collating various POI sources...

    Collection of POI's - Page 3

    Video instructions on how to turn the specific POIs on in your map display thanks to Liquidforce are here:
    Collection of POI's

    For more details on upgrading the firmware, or using POInspect0r, see kamolds thread...

    Custom POIs with 3xxx firmware, Aus/NZ Maps v 4.1 and POInspect0r

    Or have a read of...

    Also if you choose to share, try to upload in one of the 4 file types that POInspect0r can import, those being... asc, gpx, ov2 and kml, or in db3 format.
    Last edited by kamold; 27-02-2015 at 03:28 PM. Reason: As this is the first post in this section, just tidied it up for first time visitors.

  2. #2
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    There's a good site here. Heaps of POI themes, and you can download them in all sorts of formats, or just plain CSV.
    Last edited by Aurange_Tiguan; 27-11-2011 at 01:17 AM.
    Candy White • 103TDI DSG • MY12 • Comfort Pack • Fog Lights • Leather Package
    ZE-NC2010 • ZE-RCE2001B • Thule WingBar

  3. #3
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    Caltex stations extracted on 24/11/2011:
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  4. #4
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    One thing I've noticed is you're limited to only having 10 active personal categories at a time.

    So it would be better to where possible collapse those categories together that make sense to do so.

    For example all fixed and combined safety cameras as a single category.

    Personal preference of course but it's a fairly big limitation which dictates how we can use these (otherwise excellent) custom poi.
    2011 Skoda Octavia vRS TDI DSG wagon|Revo Stage 1|Race Blue|Leather|Dynamic Xenons w 6000K|9w7 BT|THA475 Amp+active sub|Whiteline ALK|RVC|
    2009 R36 wagon|Biscay Blue|RVC|Tailgate|ECU and DSG tune|LED DRL/Indicators|3D colour cluster|Quad LED tail rings|Climatronics upgrade|Dynaudio retrofit|B7 RLine Flat Steering Wheel|3AA CCM|TPMS Direct|B7 Adaptive Cruise with Front Assist|Discover Media retrofit|PLA 2.0|Lane Assist|BCM retrofit|High Beam Assist|DQ500

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kamold View Post
    One thing I've noticed is you're limited to only having 10 active personal categories at a time.

    So it would be better to where possible collapse those categories together that make sense to do so.

    For example all fixed and combined safety cameras as a single category.

    Personal preference of course but it's a fairly big limitation which dictates how we can use these (otherwise excellent) custom poi.
    Yes, very good point!

    Problem is each category of camera I have was taken from a different source.

    So combining or merging any 'like' categories together, will involve removing duplicates.

    Unfortunately my POIs were all saved in .ov2 (TomTom) format and don't have the time now to open these up and re-compile a combined/merged list.

    But if anyone is interested or wants to do this, here's my full collection of just cameras:

    Can you upload also your camera & school zones Kamold, for this consolidation exercise (in case they're different)?
    Last edited by aussietig; 28-11-2011 at 11:39 PM.
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  6. #6
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    I was thinking that we could maintain your categories of camera ahead etc POI as well as consolidated (eg one for all cameras speed and combined, one for all red light cameras just to differentiate them) and people can pick and choose...

    megaupload appears to be down at the moment, will upoad later.
    2011 Skoda Octavia vRS TDI DSG wagon|Revo Stage 1|Race Blue|Leather|Dynamic Xenons w 6000K|9w7 BT|THA475 Amp+active sub|Whiteline ALK|RVC|
    2009 R36 wagon|Biscay Blue|RVC|Tailgate|ECU and DSG tune|LED DRL/Indicators|3D colour cluster|Quad LED tail rings|Climatronics upgrade|Dynaudio retrofit|B7 RLine Flat Steering Wheel|3AA CCM|TPMS Direct|B7 Adaptive Cruise with Front Assist|Discover Media retrofit|PLA 2.0|Lane Assist|BCM retrofit|High Beam Assist|DQ500

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussietig View Post
    Unfortunately my POIs were all saved in .ov2 (TomTom) format and don't have the time now to open these up and re-compile a combined/merged list.
    There's an online tool to convert from one format to another. OV2 to CSV takes seconds. If I have time next week I could investigate getting all the points together and identifying duplicates by location. It's a fairly quick and easy task once it's all in CSV.

    Will post here if I get around to doing it, and I'll make sure any resulting file has all the original attributes to show type, etc.
    Candy White • 103TDI DSG • MY12 • Comfort Pack • Fog Lights • Leather Package
    ZE-NC2010 • ZE-RCE2001B • Thule WingBar

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aurange_Tiguan View Post
    There's an online tool to convert from one format to another. OV2 to CSV takes seconds. If I have time next week I could investigate getting all the points together and identifying duplicates by location. It's a fairly quick and easy task once it's all in CSV.

    Will post here if I get around to doing it, and I'll make sure any resulting file has all the original attributes to show type, etc.
    Yep thanks ... but I'm a bit of an impatient person.

    Ended up doing the consolidation of a few camera categories and removed the duplicate entries last night.

    Have subsequently uploaded a slightly shorter PersonalPOI.db3 file if people want it:


    One thing that's bugging me though is that the uploading of POIs via SD card actually does not include my custom POIs in CATEGORIES (ALPHABETICAL).

    Therefore you can't search for my categories and need to know what you're looking for when entering a new destination.

    This doesn't sit well with a person like me with an OCD!

    Two options I've considered (but not sure which will work):

    1) Delete the POI.DB3 off the original map and re-burn this new map disk (i.e. without any POIs), then copy the original POIs off the V4.1 map and add mine to it using POInspect0r and then load whole thing as PersonalPOI.db3 via SD Card; OR

    2) Delete the POI.DB3 off the original map, copy the original POIs off the V4.1 map and add mine to it using POInspect0r and place this back onto the original map as POI.DB3 and re-burn this new map disk.


    Which method do you reckon will work and can you help with creating the 2 new map disks mentioned to experiment?
    Either way, there goes the idea of not having to create new map disk with every update of POIs.
    But obviously Option 1 is the preferred solution in terms of future maintenance (if it works).

    May also contact the owner and guru of POInspect0r to see if there's an easier way to get custom POIs into CATEGORIES (ALPHABETICAL).
    Last edited by aussietig; 03-12-2011 at 10:38 PM. Reason: REMOVED DOWNLOAD LINK
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  9. #9
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    Hey tig, nice list you have there, very neat
    Wondering if your list of speed cameras and redlights/combos incorporate the trapster ones into the list?

  10. #10
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    Thanks buddy!

    Yes it does!
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

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