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Thread: Collection of POI's

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussietig View Post
    Thanks buddy!

    Yes it does!
    Oh neat, how did you manage to merge the lists? I'd love to try and merge some of my lists together.

  2. #12
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    Hi aussietig,
    I think the second option you mentioned will be worth trying.
    I think you'll need to do this:
    1. Extract the 4.1 map iso to your HDD
    2. Open POInspect0r and use the first tab to open the map folder as if you are doing a custom map the old way
    3. Don't put a blank DVD in your drive.
    4. Click on the create disk and increment the map version number by one
    5. It will go through the process of creating the ISO in a local directory under POINspect0r install dir (can't remember the name)
    6. Extract THAT iso to a new folder. You'll see the .db3 file under the POI directory.
    7. Open POInspect0r again and use the second tab.
    8. Open the default POI db from the extracted ISO from step 6 above and modify that with whatever changes you like
    9. Burn the folder to a DVD and update the maps on the RNS510

    Theoretically you will have created a searchable POI DB in the default map partition without the need for any custom POI upload via SDcard....
    Let us know how you go.
    2011 Skoda Octavia vRS TDI DSG wagon|Revo Stage 1|Race Blue|Leather|Dynamic Xenons w 6000K|9w7 BT|THA475 Amp+active sub|Whiteline ALK|RVC|
    2009 R36 wagon|Biscay Blue|RVC|Tailgate|ECU and DSG tune|LED DRL/Indicators|3D colour cluster|Quad LED tail rings|Climatronics upgrade|Dynaudio retrofit|B7 RLine Flat Steering Wheel|3AA CCM|TPMS Direct|B7 Adaptive Cruise with Front Assist|Discover Media retrofit|PLA 2.0|Lane Assist|BCM retrofit|High Beam Assist|DQ500

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by vraptor View Post
    Oh neat, how did you manage to merge the lists? I'd love to try and merge some of my lists together.
    Convert your poi files to csv file.
    Link to tool on gps-data-team was provided by another member a couple of posts back.

    Then you can combine and remove duplicates in Excel.

    Then convert back to original or compatible format.
    Last edited by aussietig; 30-11-2011 at 07:59 PM.
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  4. #14
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    Is anybody making the list of the POI in SA?
    I could contribute with Adelaide Southern suburbs POI, drive through many streets every day.

  5. #15
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    Are these lists national or state-based only? Nice list there aussietig. If it didn't take so long to copy all my music back I'd be more inclined to do this sooner than later.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_R View Post
    Are these lists national or state-based only? Nice list there aussietig. If it didn't take so long to copy all my music back I'd be more inclined to do this sooner than later.
    I'd say 85% are national with 15% either NSW or Eastern States.

    More importantly, all POIs in the CAMERAS folder (if enabled) should cover all cameras in Australia.

    But my Speed Zones (a.k.a. school zones) are only NSW & ACT.

    ---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    Is anybody making the list of the POI in SA?
    I could contribute with Adelaide Southern suburbs POI, drive through many streets every day.
    Good idea BB ... I don't actually have a Churches POI on my current list.

    ---------- Post added 02-12-2011 at 12:25 AM ---------- Previous post was 01-12-2011 at 10:39 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by kamold View Post
    Hi aussietig,
    I think the second option you mentioned will be worth trying.
    I think you'll need to do this:
    1. Extract the 4.1 map iso to your HDD
    2. Open POInspect0r and use the first tab to open the map folder as if you are doing a custom map the old way
    3. Don't put a blank DVD in your drive.
    4. Click on the create disk and increment the map version number by one
    5. It will go through the process of creating the ISO in a local directory under POINspect0r install dir (can't remember the name)
    6. Extract THAT iso to a new folder. You'll see the .db3 file under the POI directory.
    7. Open POInspect0r again and use the second tab.
    8. Open the default POI db from the extracted ISO from step 6 above and modify that with whatever changes you like
    9. Burn the folder to a DVD and update the maps on the RNS510

    Theoretically you will have created a searchable POI DB in the default map partition without the need for any custom POI upload via SDcard....
    Let us know how you go.
    Followed your advice above and created a test CD_7493 with just my CAMERAS folder.

    And guess what ... It actually worked!

    Have successfully merged my custom POIs with the original POIs.

    But more importantly and the only reason for going through the pain, a search of All Categories now suggests my custom ones in the results!

    However, unlike the old method and this being the fcuking annoying part, I need to manually add my POIs into Categories (Alphabetically) one by one, and on top of where I want them in my PERSONAL folder.

    In other words, POInspect0r is not automatically doing this for me under the new method.

    With 115 POIs, I have to in effect physically add 230 into the POI.db3 file.
    Definitely not happy Jan!

    Will have to consider outsourcing this work to India!
    Last edited by aussietig; 01-12-2011 at 11:32 PM.
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussietig View Post

    Good idea BB ... I don't actually have a Churches POI on my current list.
    LOL... is that what you call mobile snappers?

  8. #18
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    Aussietig, I think between the two methods of utilising custom POIs we have a pretty reasonable situation now.

    With fairly static POIs like parks, petrol stations, banks etc etc I think we should integrate them into the map DVD as you have tested with the cameras. Its going to be painful but only really needs to be done every few years given that the map data is updated so infrequently anyway. Plus the safety cameras, red light etc don't need to be searchable as a POI (unless you plan on navigating to a speed camera to fill it with expanding foam )

    The SDCard upload can be used for more regular updates of safety related POIs like cameras, enforcement points and school zones.

    Sounds like a cop out for me, but do you want to build the static .db3 file from your already extensive list, plus the default map ones, and I'll work on building up an up to date and australia wide safety category to be uploaded via SDCard method?
    2011 Skoda Octavia vRS TDI DSG wagon|Revo Stage 1|Race Blue|Leather|Dynamic Xenons w 6000K|9w7 BT|THA475 Amp+active sub|Whiteline ALK|RVC|
    2009 R36 wagon|Biscay Blue|RVC|Tailgate|ECU and DSG tune|LED DRL/Indicators|3D colour cluster|Quad LED tail rings|Climatronics upgrade|Dynaudio retrofit|B7 RLine Flat Steering Wheel|3AA CCM|TPMS Direct|B7 Adaptive Cruise with Front Assist|Discover Media retrofit|PLA 2.0|Lane Assist|BCM retrofit|High Beam Assist|DQ500

  9. #19
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    Sounds like a plan buddy!

    Obviously suggest you start compiling the national cameras and speed zones using my collection:

    Last edited by aussietig; 02-12-2011 at 06:03 PM.
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  10. #20
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    I would like to thank '' Kamold'' for installing the POI in my RNS 510 very big asset to Watercooled and a very helpful member .

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