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Thread: One exhaust option for AUS-spec mk2

  1. #1

    One exhaust option for AUS-spec mk2

    I had a mk2 for a year and last month the car decided to not rev past 3k rpm. Undid the catalytic converter, the filling broke like ciggy ash. So I took the chance to upgrade the AUS-spec exhaust. It took me a long time to check what is available so i might leave a record of the horrible thing I did to the car.

    So mk2 gti has the famous toilet bowl exhaust header and down pipe. so all exhaust gas squeeze into one tiny tiny 45mm pipe from header all the way to the inlet of mid muffler. Interestingly from the outlet of mid muffler all the way to the end is a proper 2". I can't understand why they just wont put a full 2" system in it.

    Even a mk3 CL come with 2" exhaust but people like to wreck a GL because it has the 4-2-1 header and down pipe. Although the 1.8 RV is a short block, the down pipe is not going to hit anything. the mk3 cat will also fit but its a close call, I ended up with only about 1cm from firewall. O2 sensor I used the Bosch 13953 for Ford Mustang, dirt cheap from Ebay with long wiring, splice it and use the plug from the old sensor it worked as good.

    For intermediate pipe, ideally people can get a new mid muffler with part No. 191253409B which is the same muffler but with a proper 2" inlet and use the mk3 intermediate pipe. 0 welding needed. But I went cheap and cut off the 45mm inlet of mid muffler. Went to exhaust shop to cut a 2' pipe and make a ~50 degree bend. Weld it on done. Took the car for a run on Kings Hwy and emmm yeah. Would be great to post a pic or 2 but website wont let me upload.

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