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Thread: Rules for using classifieds

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Kilsyth, VIC
    Users Country Flag

    Rules for using classifieds

    The purpose of the Classifieds Area is active members of the VWWatercooled community to buy, sell and swap their unwanted or unneeded cars, parts and other gear with each other, just as you might do so between mates, or mates of mates.

    Follow these simple rules and it will make for a easy and successful sale! Members that don't follow these simple rules will have their posts deleted.

    Community only

    Established members of VWWatercooled are encouraged to use the Classifieds. New users signing up for the purpose of selling will be encouraged to contribute before their posts are added to the Classifieds sections. To limit this, having ten posts or more and being a member for 90 days or more is required.

    Wanted to Buy Threads

    We are here to help people keep their vehicles on the road. All users, including new users who have not met the above requirements, are able to post new threads in the wanted to buy section to help track down that illusive part.

    No commercial sales

    The Classifieds are not a commercial market place. This includes the wanted to buy forum. If you would like to sell commercially on the site please contact VWWatercooled Admin about sponsoring the forum and posting in the sponsor sections.

    Close your thread once the sale has finished

    Once goods have been sold or you wish to sell elsewhere (eg eBay) please post that the item(s) have been sold or post a link to the eBay listing. Please close your thread by selecting the option from the thread menu. Threads inactive for for more than 60 days are removed.


    You should include the following in any Classified thread:

    • Make, model, year & any other details that would make a EASIER time for the BUYER and SELLER is a must.
    • Your location (it should be in your profile) including your suburb and State (not everyone knows where 'Hillston' is)
    • A photograph of the item(s).
    • Detail information about the condition of the item(s).
    • Additional contact details like an email address or phone number
    • Your asking/ballpark price.
    • Your preferred method of payment and delivery/pickup.

    Threads missing any of these items may be deleted.

    No Expression's of Interest (EOI)

    Expressions of interest are not permitted, sell it or don't sell it.

    Group Buys

    The ONLY exception to the EOI rule is for group buys. Group buys (i.e., where one member purchases a larger quantity of an item on behalf of a group of members in order to secure a discount or save on shipping) are only permitted after discussing the details with an Administrator. Please contact one of the admin team before posting a group buy thread.

    No General Chatter in the Classified

    Posts should be kept to relevant questions relating to the sale. Other comments in Classified threads from anyone other than interested buyers and the seller are frowned upon and may be deleted. The Classifieds is not a discussion forum. It is not anyone's problem but the seller's if they are asking an insane price for something.
    We may allow helpful comments regarding compatibility and suitability of items if requested by the seller when they don't know answers themselves.

    Ethical trading.

    We are looking to provide a safe classified area. Because of this, you may be asked to provide a scan or picture of some form of photo ID to a moderator before you're allowed to sell items.
    VWWatercooled takes no responsibility whatsoever for the consequences of any sale or trade, misinformation or condition of item. Buy and sell at your own risk entirely. However, VWWatercooled will forward any and all information to the Police if requested.
    Last edited by The_Hawk; 06-04-2013 at 09:12 AM.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Kilsyth, VIC
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Consolidated and updated 22/09/2010

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit


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