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Thread: Volkswagen under investigation over illegal software that masks pollution

  1. #1
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    Volkswagen under investigation over illegal software that masks pollution

    Last edited by Buzy_Robot; 19-09-2015 at 09:39 AM.

  2. #2
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    Interesting. I wonder if they were disabling the EGR, like so many owners do?

    I own a Japanese diesel 4wd. The engine is notorious (like many others, I guess) for clogging the intake with a thick black gunge - a result of soot from the recirculated exhaust gas combining with oil fumes from the PCV system. It's common for owners to disable the EGR in one of a number of different ways - this both stops the soot, and improves fuel economy, at the expense of NOx emissions. Of course, a catch can will also improve the oil part of the gunge problem, but not the fuel economy problems. Surely manufacturers could add a catch can to their engines as a standard inclusion for a lot less than we can add them as aftermarket accessories.

    Lately, I've been monitoring the "commanded EGR" value with an OBDII tool, and noticed something interesting. Cruising on a flat road at 100km/h in 5th (auto) the EGR is continually varying, but I guess averaging around 20%. After dropping back to 4th (manual mode) for a town, I forgot to change back to 5th when I resumed cruise. I worked this out when I noticed the EGR was staying closed. Select 5th, it opened, select 4th, it closed. Can anybody explain why it would do that?
    Former owner of MY12 GTD with DSG

  3. #3
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    It's hard to believe that it would not be a similar situation here.

  4. #4
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    It'd take more than a fudged emissions test somewhere irrelevant like America, to make me ditch the brand.

    Storm in a tea cup, as far as I'm concerned.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  5. #5
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    According to the report if its a storm in a tea cup I would imagine the reported possible US $18 Billion fine would smart along with the repairs as well . But like Umai I am staying with the brand even if sometimes it is like a messy divorce , lots of money being spent along with the heartache .

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Umai Naa!! View Post
    It'd take more than a fudged emissions test somewhere irrelevant like America, to make me ditch the brand.

    Storm in a tea cup, as far as I'm concerned.
    Initially, this was my response (and I still lean heavily this way).

    But a comment on another forum got me thinking - if the company will go this far to actively cheat, can you really trust them to be fair with a warranty claim? I recently had an ECU replaced as a goodwill repair, so I can't complain about them - but we've all read some stories about them that make us shake our heads in wonder.
    Former owner of MY12 GTD with DSG

  7. #7
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    In my experience with their warranty coverage, they've been one of the more reasonable manufacturers to deal with. The hoop-jumping they put dealers through, prior to submitting a claim can drag on a little. But that really separates the good dealers from the average ones, as it's their ability to manage time, and accurately diagnose, that gets claims over the line.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  8. #8
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    Holy crap batman!

    Just read that they've pulled all diesel models from sale in the US as a result of this.

    I've got a diesel Tiguan being built in the plant right now for delivery in November - hope it doesn't get caught up in the fallout from all this!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by PerthMTB View Post
    Holy crap batman!

    Just read that they've pulled all diesel models from sale in the US as a result of this.
    I doubt if it was choice. Basically, the emission tests submitted to allow them to be registered have been discarded, so it is a case of re-qualifying.

    The emission test is not a single one, but has to be done on an accumulation vehicle. The vehicle has to be operated for a specified number of km/miles during which routine servicing has to be carried out and a series of emission and other tests performed.

    Many years ago, I worked as an engineer for the NSW Department of Motor Transport where Alfa Romeo allowed an accumulation vehicle to be used by journalists on a drive day. It was written off in a crash, and it delayed the launch of that model as the accumulation test had to be re-started with a fresh vehicle.

    So, I do not believe it is a storm in a tea cup. The US authorities would not have gone public unless they had evidence. The problem for other jurisdictions is that many use the US approval for their own approval, so it is more likely than not to spread beyond the US. On top of that those jurisdictions could well issue a "show cause" notice asking VW to show cause why their approval should not be revoked.

  10. #10
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    Emissions defeat device admission by VW

    I couldn't find this massive issue discussed anywhere on this diesel forum.

    The best read on this VW disaster is in today's 'Green Car Reports' involving the 2009-2015 2.0 TDI emissions scandal.
    Now it's out no regulator will be able to ignore it.
    The implications for VW are enormous.

    They installed a 'test fail' device on the above 4 cylinder engines (predominantly the 140hp/103kw) to get by the Californian EPA regs. but have been sprung.
    Forced buybacks?.

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