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Thread: T-Roc DSG Transmission Dramas - Hard Shifting + Jerking/Bunny Hopping + Free Revving

  1. #1
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    Exclamation T-Roc DSG Transmission Dramas - Hard Shifting + Jerking/Bunny Hopping + Free Revving

    Just wondering if anyone is having dramas with their T-Roc 7 Speed DSG? I would like to share my experience in case anyone else has the same issue, and hear about any others and their resolutions?? Or perhaps it's a freaky one-off and I am alone?

    I have a MY22 Built 2023 T-Roc R-Line 140TSI (DQ381 DSG) purchased in August 2023. It has less than 10k km on the clock today and paid $56,000 (bought new). I've previously owned 2x DSG Tiguans, 1x manual Tiguan and 1x manual Golf. I love my VW for so many reasons.

    However, in the first week of owning, I noticed a significant hard-shift into 3rd gear and crossed my fingers it was just a hiccup. But by March 2024, I had contacted the dealer for warranty inspection as I had experienced numerous intermittent events of my car hard shifting (odd gears - mainly 3rd at about 40km/h) and numerous intermittent events where it bunny hops (full-on crazy, embarrassing jerking and loss of power) going from 2nd - 3rd gear.

    On inspection (30/04/2024), the dealer couldn't get it to fault and no fault codes present so they charged me an inspection/diagnostic fee. I made a complaint to the dealer, and I made a complaint to VW Australia on 1st May 2024.

    I have heard nothing back from Volkswagen Australia. Tried calling the customer line and it was disconnected. Still waiting for Dealer to get back to me with some sort of solution/inspection.

    In June, my car free revved/neutralised while in traffic. I was stopped for several minutes in traffic, and when I went to accelerate, my car free revved and did not move. Foot back on the brake, checked the gear stick - yes, I'm still in D, accelerated again and it slammed into gear with a harsh jerk and bunny-hopped down the road. Reported it to my dealer - no response.

    Battled with my dealer through Fair Trading and finally got a Master Technician to come for a drive and of course it didn't play up but thankfully he believed me and could discern it wasn't a user error.

    It is booked in tomorrow for diagnostics. They mentioned my parts have arrived on the phone. I asked what parts??? and was told they have a new oil pump. What the???

    A few hours googling led me to an American TSB for the 2018 Golf R 34K1 Volkswagen Powertrain Technical Service Bulletin

    Thanks to this information, I can now get my car to do the free-rev/neutralise fault about 50% of the time if I drive around with Auto Start-Stop Activated (because who would ever do that voluntarily???).

    Absolutely devastated and terrified that my new car is likely to have its transmission pulled out and messed with by people I don't trust!

    Fingers crossed they don't make it worse. My only other option that I'm aware of is to take them to QLD Civil Courts for a Major Fault with no fault codes or evidence of an issue

    On a sidenote, I bought an OBDEleven to check it for fault codes for the Transmission a few months ago. It has none. But it has numerous electrical fault codes for Parking Assistance error value, Dashboard communication interruption, Driver Assistance error value, ACC unknown error.

    One heart-broken VW fan here. With still no response from Volkswagen Australia, I am really looking forward to my 12 Month Ownership Survey.

  2. #2
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    Dec 2007
    The outcome is ????

    2008 Blue Graphite GTI DSG with Latte leather. SOLD 4/9/2024

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  3. #3
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    No outcome. Still Ongoing. Here is the latest:

    Car was at the dealer on 25/07/2024. The "Master Technician" was away and they said they didn't have any parts for my car. It was just a dip stick or something to check or fill the DSG oil level. They reported it was low and kept my car overnight while they waited on the oil to arrive (got car back Friday).

    I call BS. My car drives no different. It was hard shifting and jerking on Monday so I called Volkswagen Australian to follow up on my complaint.

    Volkswagen Australia had closed my complaint without speaking to me. They stated the Dealer was in the right to charge me diagnostics as it wasn't covered under warranty. I called them out for breaching Australian Consumer Laws and created a new complaint. (There is a very long-winded explanation but they had my PREVIOUS car 2019 Tiguan on file).

    My new complaint clearly stated I rejected the car with zero faith that Volkswagen is capable of fixing it or finding a resolution. It's dangerous with a major defect... blah blah blah.

    Now my Dealer is waiting for a loan car to be available to be able to book my car in so they can keep it as long as they need. Fun times. Hopefully I don't get taken out in traffic the next time it free revs/neutralises while I'm waiting.

    This sucks so bad!! I loved my car so much. It's a stunning vehicle. I just want to put an exhaust on it, get it tuned and keep loving it

  4. #4
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    Any further progress on this Holly?

  5. #5
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    The dealer had it for over a week. They gave it back it to me absolutely filthy; covered in mud inside and out.

    Their diagnosis: No fault present. Volkswagen Australia emailed me regarding my complaint to confirm there is no fault present and the vehicle is operating as intended.

    Absolutely gutted.

  6. #6
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    Far out - how frustrating. Can you try another dealership to see if they have a different attitude/approach to the issue? Some dealerships are better than others in this respect.

    If that fails, then perhaps take it to a VW specialist mechanic for diagnosis - even if you have to pay for it out of your own pocket, at least you can get whatever the issue is - fixed.

    Can I ask what area od QLD you are in? Brissy or somewhere else? We might be able to help recommend a dealership or workshop to look at this issue for you.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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