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Thread: Arteon Ambient light & LED Colour change

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jap View Post
    I’ve written it quite a few times now, I should really create a keyboard shortcut

    who’s job?
    Some dood from the bible i believe

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

  2. #32
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    Ah ok, didn’t know if you meant him or the surfer

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by vwcaddy123 View Post
    Thank you very much. Much appreciated. Will try this asap. Best wishes.
    Everything works now with 10 different colours - it looks brilliant! Thanks for the inspiration, guidance etc.
    Originally I had three colours; white, blue and yellow (Ambient Light Plus).
    Would it be possible to get the 10 colours if one only had the 1-colour Ambient Light system?
    VW Passat Variant Highline B8 2017
    VW up! Move up! 2014.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by vwcaddy123 View Post
    Everything works now with 10 different colours - it looks brilliant! Thanks for the inspiration, guidance etc.
    Originally I had three colours; white, blue and yellow (Ambient Light Plus).
    Would it be possible to get the 10 colours if one only had the 1-colour Ambient Light system?
    not in the door strips and footwell as they are not normally multicoloured LED’s just white

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jap View Post
    not in the door strips and footwell as they are not normally multicoloured LED’s just white
    Yes, I know - even on my Ambient Plus edition the door strips and footwell are only white. They can not change colour.

    I am thinking about the strip running through the doors at the top and in the front of the dashboard. Can one code them to have all the ten colours instead of the one white only?
    VW Passat Variant Highline B8 2017
    VW up! Move up! 2014.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by vwcaddy123 View Post
    Yes, I know - even on my Ambient Plus edition the door strips and footwell are only white. They can not change colour.

    I am thinking about the strip running through the doors at the top and in the front of the dashboard. Can one code them to have all the ten colours instead of the one white only?
    did they change colour with the 3 colours? If not then I would have thought they were not multicoloured LED’s

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jap View Post
    What I did with obdeleven but it will only allow you to change colour, if you want the different dials or the balls in the Center of the AID then they are different adaptions (but a lot easier than colour change)

    Central electronics

    int light. 2nd generation

    Instrumententafelbeleuchtung mehrfarbig - active

    Interior light, light configuration

    Ambientemenue mit alle zonen - active

    I then reset the mmi by pressing and holding the on/off button for 10 seconds then went into car/settings then checked the "background lighting" button was in there, pressed it and checked it went on to a picture of the interior of the car, then

    Central electronics

    Interior light, light configuration

    ambient_farbliste_Hmi - active

    Then back to central electronics adaptions

    Ambientelicht Farbliste

    Rotwert Farbe 1:217
    Gruenwert Farbe 1:221
    Blauwert Farbe 1:235
    Rotwert Farbe 2:169
    Gruenwert Farbe 2:169
    Blauwert Farbe 2:169
    Rotwert Farbe 3:253
    Gruenwert Farbe 3:108
    Blauwert Farbe 3:55
    Rotwert Farbe 4:242
    Gruenwert Farbe 4:0
    Blauwert Farbe 4:40
    Rotwert Farbe 5:254
    Gruenwert Farbe 5:88
    Blauwert Farbe 5:240
    Rotwert Farbe 6:124
    Gruenwert Farbe 6:63
    Blauwert Farbe 6:190
    Rotwert Farbe 7:0
    Gruenwert Farbe 7:102
    Blauwert Farbe 7:255
    Rotwert Farbe 8:0
    Gruenwert Farbe 8:204
    Blauwert Farbe 8:255
    Rotwert Farbe 9:0
    Gruenwert Farbe 9:204
    Blauwert Farbe 9:0
    Rotwert Farbe 10:136
    Gruenwert Farbe 10:255
    Blauwert Farbe 10:57

    The I reset the mmi again

    Thank you Jap 👍👍👍👍👍followed your instructions and got 10 color working in my18 Passat 132 comfortile .
    Took me several go's but I wasnt reseting infotainment properly.
    I have Discover Pro gen2 .
    Third time I did get to reset right way and it works great.
    Depiction_display Version 3 does give the dancing dots to.

    Cheers Jap

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by DR074 View Post
    Tweak: Colour Change in AID
    Vehicle: Passat B8 206TSI R-Line MY17 (AUS)
    Tweak completed with OBDEleven, should work with VCDS, but may be slightly different on newer cars (My18s)

    Not sure if all the below needs to be done, but these are the settings on my car and it works.

    Control unit: 5F Information Control Unit
    Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2: menu_display_ambient_illumination: activated
    Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2: menu_display_ambient_illumination_over_threshold_h igh: activated

    To get the cool dials in the AID

    Control unit: 17 Dash Board
    Display depiction: Version 3
    Tube_version: variant_4

    Control unit: 09 Central Electrics
    Ambientelicht Farbliste: Rotwert Farbe 1: 144
    Ambientelicht Farbliste: Gruenwert Farbe 1: 24
    Ambientelicht Farbliste: Blauwert Farbe 1: 28
    Change all colours up to 10, none can be R: 0, G: 0, B: 0 as none will work
    I got the numbers for RGB from MS Excel (format cell > fill), but from other posts, Create Color Schemes, Test Color Combinations - Colorspire will give the same result.
    Pick what colours you like, find the RGB, enter those numbers into Rewert (Red), Gruenwert (Green) and Blauwert (you guessed it, Blue)
    My favourite colour is Maroon, so R, G, B is 144, 24, 28, but need to lighten the colour up a bit.

    I also have the below settings active, again, not sure if they need to be or not, but they work.
    Control unit: 09 Central Electrics
    Int. light, 2nd generation: weicher Farbwechsel: active
    Int. light, 2nd generation: Instrumententafelbeleuchtung mehrfarbig: active
    Int. light, 2nd generation: Mittelkonsolenbeleuchtung mehrfarbig: active
    Interior light, light configuration: Ambiente_Applikationsleisten_in_Instrumententafel: installed
    Interior light, light configuration: Mittelkonsolenbeleuchtung: installed
    Interior light, light configuration: LIN-Dachkonsole lokal aktivierbar: active
    Interior light, light configuration: Ambientemenue mit globalem aus: active
    Interior light, light configuration: Ambientemenue mit alle Zonen: active
    Interior light, light configuration: Ambient_Farbliste_HMI: active
    Interior light, light configuration: Frei_Farbwahl_ueber_HMI: active

    Cold Boot MIB Unit
    Hold down left button for 10 seconds (or so)
    Wait for restart
    Reset Background Lighting Setting in MIB
    with MIB on, goto the below;
    Menu > Vehicle > Settings > Factory Reset > Background Lighting > Reset

    Then you can go into Menu > Vehicle > Settings > Background Lighting
    You should have 10 colours at the bottom to choose from, select a colour, and both the MIB and AID change to that colour. If not, there may be a 3 colour small box to the right at the bottom. This doesn't change the Interior Door Lights, as on mine, they are just white.

    I've seen a couple of people on all forums have dramas with this, so thought i'd try to figure it out. Some of this is lifted from other guys posts, zloybob (via NZ_GolfR), so thanks.

    I'm certainly no expert on all this stuff, but this is a cool tweak, and hope this helps.
    Doesn't change the door lights on my MY16 passat r, does teh door light only work on certain cars?

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by rave75 View Post
    Does this work on MY16 Passat?

    ive done the 10 colours on the dash but can't get the LED door lights to work. I can't figure out whether its just no possible or I missed a step on my MY16 passat. Im assuming if you get one you should get the other, any help would be great

  10. #40

    Anyone managed to get a white to properly work on the Arteon? Tried 255,255,255 and it made the dash white but the ambient lighting a slight purple colour. Put the default white back, but the dash is actually blue in that one.

    I really want both white and cannot work out how to do it.
    Last edited by WetFishDB; 11-03-2019 at 04:26 AM.

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