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Thread: CANBUS wiring for Tow bar installation - No Power on tow bar socket.

  1. #1
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    CANBUS wiring for Tow bar installation - No Power on tow bar socket.

    Can somebody point me to the CANBUS wiring location for a towbar installation, please?

    I am busy installing a tow bar to my Tiguan. The car came with the trailer preparation wiring installed, and I have purchased a PF Jones Dedicated Wiring Kit for the tow bar socket, which includes a vehicle-specific trailer module. The installation was straightforward, and I could not be more than happy. That was until I tested the tow bar socket with a multimeter (and connected a trailer with no luck). I have gone over the installation and proof all connector fittings to be 100% and proofed the earth to be 100%, there are no blown fuses, but the tow bar socket does not have power. However, the trailer module LED does tyrn red (should be green) when I switch the car on. And with OBDEleven long-coding I could not connect to the trailer module.

    I have contact PF Jones technical support. The reason there is no power in the tow bar connector is that the wires are not connected to the CANBUS.

  2. #2
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    There are two wiring plugs underneath the steering wheel in the foam sleeve. these need to be joined.

  3. #3
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    djk: In general on MQB platform vehicles like your 2nd gen Tiggy - there are 2 x versions of the OEM trailer module (which is called "J345") with the CAN connections as follows:

    1. For those modules that have 2 x plugs: the CAN (convenience CAN bus) wires are on pin #7 (CAN high) and pin# 8 (CAN low) on the 12 x pin connector
    2. For those modules that have 3 x plugs: the CAN (convenience CAN bus) wires are on pin #3 (CAN high) and pin# 4 (CAN low) on the 10 x pin connector

    When retrofitting a trailer module, you can really connect to any part of the convenience CAN bus depending on how you have run the wiring.

    I don't have a specific wiring diagram for your Tiggy -alas!!

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  4. #4
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    Towbar Installation Instruction for Tiguan 06/2016>>

    Hope this manual relates to the module you are installing. Figure 5 relates to my previous post.

  5. #5
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    Thank you for the information tek199/DV52. I have located the two wiring plugs underneath the steering wheel in the foam sleeve. All functions now work like it should after I did some long coding with my OBDeleven. For future reference, the attached photo was taken from the accelerator paddle looking up. The two connectors (connected and pointed out with the two green arrows in the picture) are much higher up the dashboard than anticipated and are hidden behind other wires and equipment.
    CANBUS wiring for Tow bar installation -  No Power on tow bar socket.-20200819_142552-jpg

  6. #6
    That's awesome, should sticky this!
    Daily 2018 Tiguan MK2 Sportline (Drag & Drop Tune, 12.9s @ 108mph)
    Weekend/Track 1996 Skyline R33 GTS-t Stage 99 (Built Motor, GTX3576 Gen 2, 407rwkW) [Build Thread]

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Brisbane, QLD
    Thanks for posting this question and the useful answers!

    It encouraged me to grab the PF Jones electrics to replace the crappy and broken bypass electrics I have. Bought their 7 pin round kit and will repin it to a 7 pin flat.

    The CANBUS connection needed is in the same spot as the older platform, but looks to be a much better solution with both plugs ready in the foam sleeve.

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

  8. #8
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    Brisbane, QLD
    Fitted my PF Jones electrics kit today, would have been a quick job if I wasn’t undoing the crap bypass wiring install at the same time! Pinned it out to a 7 pin flat socket from the previous install rather than using the included 7 pin round socket.

    All appears to work, the OBD Eleven (V1) scan picked up the new module and enabled it in the gateway. I tried to broadly follow the steps needed to code it as per the PF Jones VCDS instructions but wasn’t able to access everything. I sold my old VCDS and am not overly familiar with OBD Eleven unfortunately. Plugged in my trailer plug tester and the car recognised it had something plugged in, lights worked, extra lights in the dash saying (+1) when the indicator was on, reverse camera showed a trailer and the sensors were off, tailgate wouldn’t open and a warning notice came up. So I think that is all the bits?

    @dgk any other hints for fully coding it with the OBD Eleven?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Hello Dan_3MPS,
    Would you be able to post a PDF of the wiring and coding instructions please? I'm planning on fitting a Westfalia Towbar with their dedicated harness but not sure what instructions the harness will come with. I have VCDS so am keen to better understand what needs to be modified. Sounds like your instructions worked well. Festfalia were in Australia but departed a number of years ago so I'm unsure I'm be able to find an installer who might code using the Westfalia tool.

    Thanks and cheers, Gobi1

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gobi1 View Post
    Hello Dan_3MPS,
    I'm planning on fitting a Westfalia Towbar with their dedicated harness but not sure what instructions the harness will come with.
    Sorry for reviving an old thread, but did you end up figuring out how to install the wiring kit from Westfalia? I just installed my kit but I'm stumped by the wiring instructions. The instructions they give you in the kit are BS, with just pictures and no text, covering all types of VAG models.

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