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Thread: Passat starts then stops...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Adelaide South Australia
    Users Country Flag

    Passat starts then stops...

    Hello, 2011 passat 1.8L TSI. Very frustrated...Car starts, runs well for two seconds then dies. This repeatedly happens. Backstory.....It had been sitting for maybe 6 weeks. It's been using a lot of oil so wanted to do a compression test.To do that I removed ignition and fuel pump fuses. Went to start it and found battery was flat. Changed to another battery but it also didn't last long. Charged it up overnight. Returned fuses so I could warm up car prior to compression test. When car did run was running a bit rough. Scanner said cylinder 2 coil needed to be replaced. Did that. Started again but runs smoothly for maybe 2 seconds then dies. This now happens repeatedly with no change. Checked fuel pump and it seems to work fine. Scanner reported mainly low voltage issues due to the dead batteries. I've read various possibilities including immobilizer issues (tried two different key fobs and no change, tried a couple of suggested reset methods and no change) and steering control module (haven't done anything with that yet). Does anyone have any knowledge on this? I believe that it's likely to be an electrical issue rather than fuel issue alone. Immobiliser maybe? Key locks and unlocks. Everything else appears normal. Just wont kep running beyond 2 seconds. Any help appreciated. Thanks very much in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Adelaide South Australia
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    Update to the previous thread. I bought a new battery to the correct specs and then it worked fine. Evidently the battery needs to be pretty powerful for these things, which seems weird as the other battery I was using was out of 6 cylinder larger engine. Anyhow, use a decent battery!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Pacific Paradise QLD
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarineBoy View Post
    Update to the previous thread. I bought a new battery to the correct specs and then it worked fine. Evidently the battery needs to be pretty powerful for these things, which seems weird as the other battery I was using was out of 6 cylinder larger engine. Anyhow, use a decent battery!
    Did you get it coded in Not powerful just not flat and your other one may have been as bad
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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