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Thread: Two Fault Codes in Scanner - 08213 and 00258

  1. #11
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    Okay, been doing a bit of reading - glad I ordered the bracket, and in the meantime if I drive the vehicle now and then I don't really expect any damage/issues (problem only arose just last week for the first time).

  2. #12
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    Had to drive the Passat CC yesterday for a short trip - bracket from Diesel Geek is on its way (left San Antonio and now in Chicago!). Hopefully the part arrives next week some time. Anyway, just wanted to relate the following - drove the Passat CC TDI yesterday and noticed when accelerator was depressed at low speed there was a flat spot for a second or two before the engine responded. I assume this will disappear once I install the new Diesel Geek bracket?

  3. #13
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    Bracket arrived yesterday from DieselGeek in San Antonio, Texas - took 20 days in total, 10 days to get from Sydney to Melbourne. Not to worry, Jim at DieselGeek warned me that COVID freight delays were significant.

    Installed fairly easily - took a bit longer than on the video (three bolts holding the motor in place were very tight for some reason and I had to use a ratchet to free them up rather than the torx screwdriver).

    Lost the little (return) spring on the motor when I tried to wriggle it out - spring fell down onto the engine underbelly plastic cover. I guess I'll recover it next time I do an oil change; I was reliably told the spring is superfluous!
    Last edited by Deep Blue; 08-08-2020 at 07:37 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    The spring is a pain to reinstall.

    I had to use pliers and a screwdriver to get it back on.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  5. #15
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    South Yarra
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    Was doing well and it just fell off at the motor side as I wriggled the motor out - didn't have hemostats like Jim in the DieselGeek video. Anyway, Jim at DieselGeek said the spring doesn't do anything!? All going well now and will recover the spring next oil change.

    Thanks for putting me on to DieselGeek!

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