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Thread: Volkswagen Golf R Front Bumper Fog Grille Repairs

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sydney Olympic Park
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    Question Volkswagen Golf R Front Bumper Fog Grille Repairs

    Hi there,

    I purchased a new Volkswagen Golf R earlier this year and in that time, it has been hit twice in my underground car spot under my apartment complex. Unfortunately, both times I wasn't able to find out who did it and I now find myself having to pay out of my own pocket for the second time.

    This time around, I require repairs to both the bumper and the front drivers side fog grille.
    My question is – considering that it's likely going to happen again (and I now have a dashcam installed for future incidents), I wanted to work out a cost-effective method of fixing this.

    I've got the front bumper covered but my question was around the repair of scuff marks on the front grille. It's minor but it still bugs me. Is this something I can have resprayed or touched up at small cost? Here are the screenshots of the damage:

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I had near identical damage, albeit to the passenger side bumper and foglight grill. Almost certainly caused by one of those trolleys in a Bunnings car park. I bought a replacement grill from VW - was about $100 - but it was a bumper off job to get at it so I outsourced to a panel shop. He indicated if wanting to properly sort the bumper scratches he would need to respray entire bumper, which in the end I decided to leave until it gets damaged a few more times. $100 to remove the bumper and replace the grill, I think he quoted $600 for the respray. If you in Sydney I can give you his details.

  3. #3
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    A mobile paint guy wili fix that for about $250 Friend had a grey Golf done last week and you cant see the repaint which was very similar to yours
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  4. #4
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    Thanks for the advice!

    I do live in Sydney so would be grateful for his details! At this stage, I probably would wait until any further damage occurs to the front bar but would be great to keep for later on. I might enquire about grabbing the foglight grill parts from VW.

    Also, what is the general consensus regarding the quality of work done by mobile paint repairers?

    You mentioned that they did a great job on your friend's car and were barely able to tell the difference to pre-scratch.

    Are there any reports of the paint eventually wearing off and eventually revealing the scratch over time?

    Apologies for my naive questions.



  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkim87 View Post
    Thanks for the advice!

    I do live in Sydney so would be grateful for his details! At this stage, I probably would wait until any further damage occurs to the front bar but would be great to keep for later on. I might enquire about grabbing the foglight grill parts from VW.

    Also, what is the general consensus regarding the quality of work done by mobile paint repairers?

    You mentioned that they did a great job on your friend's car and were barely able to tell the difference to pre-scratch.

    Are there any reports of the paint eventually wearing off and eventually revealing the scratch over time?

    Apologies for my naive questions.



  6. #6
    Join Date
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    You have asked these questions both here and on Whirlpool and got the same answers on both

    NO YOU CANT SEE the repair after 2 YEARS on my wifes red POLO.

    The quality of the work will vary no matter who does it. Its all down to the operator

    Forrest Gumps quote comes to mind
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

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