Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET47, weight tbc
Attachment 12027
Attachment 12028
Attachment 12029
Attachment 12030
By request for sekas who wanted black Ultraleggeras on a Lapiz Blue R with dark mirror caps. Apologies that the wheels weren't cleaned for the shoot. 
Some more black on blue looks for sekas; VW Pretorias with a gloss black finish 19 x 8, ET50:
Attachment 12042
Attachment 12043
Attachment 12044
And a couple of ABT sketches featuring ABT ER-C 19 x 8.5, ET45:
Attachment 12045
Attachment 12046
Some more Lapiz love, not 100% sure what wheels these are but they're not a bad design with a bit of lip action.
Attachment 12066
Attachment 12067
Attachment 12068
Attachment 12069
Specs: 18 x tbc, ET tbc, weight tbc
Attachment 12085
Attachment 12084
Attachment 12086
Attachment 12087
Based on the 225/40/18 tyre it's safe to say these are reps given a genuine wheel for the Mk7 starts at 19 x 8.5, ET45. It's one thing to rep a design, but the centre cap and brand to? No, just no.
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET45, weight tbc
Attachment 12102
Attachment 12103
Attachment 12104
Attachment 12105
Attachment 12106
This is how Vossen CV3s should look, a white example up top and a revisit of two others cars previously featured here. Note the red GTI IIRC is a SA vehicle running 20s, probably 20 x 8.5, ET44.
Specs: 18 x 8, ET48, weight tbc
Attachment 12107
Attachment 12108
Attachment 12109
Unfortunately the full car shot doesn't show much detail, the other pics are clearer. I'd suggest some spacers are being run here (illegal in Australia) to get the wheels at the corners look on those specs.
A little 20 inch chrome bling?
Attachment 12114
Attachment 12115
Attachment 12116
Attachment 12117
No, it's not my kinda thing but I will say that due to the chrome strip on the front of some models it almost can work. Almost.
Specs: 20 x 9, ET tbc, weight tbc
Attachment 12118
Attachment 12119
Attachment 12120
Attachment 12121
Attachment 12122
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET44, weight tbc
Attachment 12123
Attachment 12124
Attachment 12125
Attachment 12126
Still love these wheels..
Specs: 18 x 8.5, ET50, weight tbc
Attachment 12130
Attachment 12131
Attachment 12132
Attachment 12133
Specs: 20 x tbc, ET tbc, weight tbc
Attachment 12175
Attachment 12176
Attachment 12177
Specs: 18 x 7.5, ET51, weight 23.1lbs/10.5kg
Attachment 12180
Attachment 12181
This was a USA dealer car showing off, in particular, the Motorsport wheels and the centred exhaust diffuser.
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET45, weight tbc
Attachment 12182
Would love some more wagons/estates in this thread.
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET tbc, weight tbc
Attachment 12183
Attachment 12184
Attachment 12185
This is the Revozport Mk7 Golf, make up your own mind about the add ones but there is little dispute that the forged Klassen's are a beautiful wheel.
Specs: 18 x tbc, ET tbc, weight tbc
Attachment 12192
Attachment 12191
Attachment 12193
Attachment 12194
Attachment 12195
A rare Work wheel with indications just 50 sets produced in 1998 in 18 inch; these would be running adapters (not legal in Australia), and were eventually powder coated white by the owner recently. Sets do crop up from time to time both locally and overseas on the second hand market and are priced in the $1,500-2,500 range depending on condition.
Specs: 18 x 8, ET50, weight tbc
Attachment 12201
Attachment 12202
Attachment 12203
Specs: 19 x 9, ET41, weight tbc
Attachment 12208
Note: not a legal fitment in Australia
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET45, weight tbc
Attachment 12214
Attachment 12215
Attachment 12216
Specs: 18 x 7.5, ET51, weight tbc
Attachment 12221
Attachment 12222
Attachment 12223
Attachment 12224
Attachment 12225
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET45, weight tbc
Attachment 12238
Attachment 12239
Attachment 12240
Attachment 12241
Specs: 18 x 8.5, ET45, weight tbc
Attachment 12263
Attachment 12264
Attachment 12265
An alternative to the 710 is the MSR 095, in hyper black on the red car and what might be the same wheel in 'super finished with black trim' which is a similar finish to many OEM VW wheels on the black car:
Attachment 12266
Attachment 12267
Not really sure what these are trying to be, although they do channel the black and polished look of OEM and they have managed to squeeze a VW centre cap in:
Attachment 12268
Attachment 12269
Attachment 12270
Some OZ Superturismo style reps from Europe as well:
Attachment 12271
Attachment 12272
Another set of unknown reps, these look similar to ATS Racelights but have been finished off with VW centre caps. These have definitely given the car a stilt look on stock suspension:
Attachment 12294
Attachment 12295
Attachment 12296
VW Karthoums:
Attachment 12591
And a few unknowns:
Attachment 12589
Attachment 12590
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET tbc, weight tbc
Attachment 12592
Attachment 12593
Attachment 12594
Attachment 12595
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET46, weight tbc
Attachment 12596
Attachment 12597
Attachment 12598
Attachment 12599
Attachment 12600
Following wheels are unknown five spokers, they have a VW Goal feel but have an extra edge on each spoke which provides some more definition and aggression:
Attachment 12601
Attachment 12602
Speaking of feels, that amusement park has shades of the abandoned park in Chernobyl.
A few more randoms:
Attachment 12603
Attachment 12604
Attachment 12605
Attachment 12606
Attachment 12607
Attachment 12608
Specs: 18 x 8, ET45, weight 17.6lbs/8.0kg
Attachment 12609
Attachment 12610
Attachment 12611
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET tbc, weight tbc
Attachment 12619
Attachment 12620
Attachment 12621
Attachment 12622
Attachment 12623
So as not to waste a post, another wheel that remains unidentified, although there are plenty of similar designs of which the AVA Phoenix in 19 x 8.5, ET45 seems to fit the bill. Around £610 before shipping and taxes ex the UK.
Attachment 12624
Attachment 12625
Attachment 12626
Attachment 12627
Specs: 19 x 7.5, ET51, weight tbc
Attachment 12629
Attachment 12630
Attachment 12631
Attachment 12632
A solo pic of Wolfrace Entourage wheels, in 19 x 8.5, ET tbc:
Attachment 12634
Specs: tbc
Attachment 12646
Attachment 12647
Attachment 12648
Attachment 12649
Attachment 12650
These are usually ex A7/A8 in 20 x 9 ET37.. assuming there is another size available but buggered if I can locate the specs on it.
These look to be a set of Benz/AMG wheels, although haven't been able to locate a match for now - closest is off the AMG ML63 10th Anniversary special but they were 21 inchers.
Attachment 12664
Running with memories of the Mk6 GTI:
Attachment 12665
Attachment 12666
Attachment 12667
Attachment 12668
Another look at OZ Ultraleggeras, guessing at 19 x 8.5 ET47 but judging by the rego the owner or a colleague will be able to advise. 
Attachment 12669
Attachment 12670
Attachment 12671
A few more one off snaps:
Attachment 12692
Attachment 12691
Attachment 12693
Last edited by tigger73; 18-04-2015 at 10:59 PM.
--- FS: 2016 Golf GTI 40 years, white, DSG, 18,xxxkm -------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Audi SQ5 | 2016 Golf GTI CS + OZ UL HLTs | Retired: 2018 Audi RS3 sportback + OZ Leggera HLTs
2017 Golf R Wolfsburg Sportwagen | 2016 BMW 340i + M-Performance tune/exhaust | 2015 Audi S3 sedan
2014 Golf GTI + OZ Leggera HLTs | 2012 Polo 77TSI (hers) | 2010 Golf GTI Stage 2 + OZ ST LMs
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET45, weight tbc
The centre cap doesn't look Vossen although the rest of the wheel looks pretty much right, in what they call matte black machined finish:
Attachment 12696
Attachment 12697
Attachment 12698
Specs: 19'x 8.5, ET45, weight tbc
Attachment 12701
Attachment 12702
Attachment 12703
A few more on the Vossen front, the VS1 and CVT (in rep form I believe), both of these cars featured earlier in this thread.
Attachment 12705
Attachment 12706
Attachment 12707
Attachment 12708
Attachment 12709
Some more random pics:
Attachment 12713
Attachment 12714
Attachment 12715
Attachment 12716
Specs: 20 x 9, ET40, weight tbc
Attachment 12718
Attachment 12719
Attachment 12720
Attachment 12721
This is the ABT Sportsline Mk7 R Dark, which has also been pictured/photoshopped with the ER-C wheel in the same specs. These have been looked at before in this thread, but close up:
Attachment 12722
Specs: 18 x 8, ET48, weight tbc
Attachment 12726
As previously mentioned MSW is produced by OZ.
Specs: 18 x 8.5, ET45, weight 18.1lbs/8.2kg
Attachment 12735
Attachment 12736
Attachment 12737
Attachment 12738
Specs: 19 x 8, ET50, weight tbc
Attachment 12739
Attachment 12740
Attachment 12741
Attachment 12742
Always a fan of an OEM look.
While on the topic of Talladegas here are the more common silver variety:
Attachment 12743
Attachment 12744
Attachment 12745
Attachment 12746
Attachment 12747
A set of some kind of OZ Superturismo GTs although with custom finish and lettering:
Attachment 12749
Attachment 12750
Attachment 12751
A few other random OZ Ultraleggera snaps:
Attachment 12753
Attachment 12754
Attachment 12755
Some more Audi reps from Brazil:
Attachment 12758
Attachment 12759
Attachment 12760
Attachment 12762
Attachment 12763
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET45, weight tbc
Attachment 12776
Attachment 12778
Featured before are another Schmidt wheel, this time with a poorly executed body kit:
Attachment 12779
Not sure what these are but not really working for me:
Attachment 12780
Attachment 12781
A closer look again at the Avant Garde M590:
Attachment 12786
Attachment 12787
Attachment 12788
Specs: 19 x 8, ET50, weight 24.9lbs/11.3kg
Attachment 12809
Attachment 12810
Attachment 12811
A few more random pics to throw up, the black car looks to be wearing BC Forged which was one of the first wheels featured in this thread, while ok the final car ain't a Mk7 but surely if you're in this thread you can appreciate the dedication all the same.
Attachment 12812
Attachment 12813
Attachment 12814
Attachment 12815
Attachment 12816
A forum sponsor is selling the 3SDM 0.05 on the cheap right now so if you're after an old school look then they're worth checking out, although the specs quoted won't be a fit off the shelf:
Attachment 12818
Five solo pics:
Attachment 12823
Attachment 12824
Attachment 12825
Attachment 12826
Attachment 12827
The red GTI above gets around wheel wise and Porsche seems to be a target with the five spokes above off a Cayenne and below some Crabclaws:
Attachment 12828
Attachment 12829
Attachment 12830
A couple more of a car featured before wearing OZ ST LMs:
Attachment 12831
Attachment 12832
VMR 702
Specs: 18 x 8.5, ET45, weight tbc
Attachment 12845
Attachment 12846
Attachment 12847
Attachment 12848
Attachment 12849
I had high hopes for these wheels on the Mk7, so much so that about a month ago I almost pulled the trigger on a set of these in 19s. However in execution I'm not totally sold on the look now, while they do have a sports/luxury/OEM feel about them I think they are better suited to Euro sedans. Just my gut feel talking there, debate away..
A Friday night fiver:
Attachment 12855
Attachment 12856
Attachment 12857
Attachment 12858
Attachment 12859
We need more wagon/estate love in this thread:
Attachment 12861
Specs: 18 x 7.5, ET51, weight 22.8lbs/10.3kg
Attachment 12862
Attachment 12863
A rare set of Lamborghini Callistos revisited:
Attachment 12865
Another look at BBS LMs:
Attachment 12866
Attachment 12867
Attachment 12868
Attachment 12869
Attachment 12870
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET56 (f) ET33 (r), weight tbc
Attachment 12874
Attachment 12875
Attachment 12876
Attachment 12877
Not 100% sure on the model but the specs are per the owner and would have been a custom buy from Rotiform.
This is clean - BBS RXRs with H&R coils, with wider front fenders and a GTI front bar:
Attachment 12879
If the Golf R wagon somehow made it here (and I doubt VWA will worry about it) then it would come under serious consideration as my next ride v S3 sedan. Or a second hand RS4 wagon.. 
Specs: 19 x tbc, ET tbc, weight tbc
Attachment 12880
First car I've seen with optional 19s ticked from the factory, usually because you get a fat touch-up along the way. Guessing these will either be skinny x 7.5s like the Santiagos or x 8, with an ET around the 50 mark like most OEM Golf wheels. These are a marked improvement over Santiagos actually - if the PP had these I think we'd find something resembling popularity for them.
Specs: est 19 x 8.5, ET tbc, weight tbc
Attachment 12881
Attachment 12882
Attachment 12883
Attachment 12884
Attachment 12885
A fairly unique set of wheels. Not sure what the front rake is all about however.
Bit of an APR show:
Attachment 12886
Attachment 12887
Attachment 12889
Attachment 12888
Attachment 12890
Another assortment, starting with BBS and Rotiform and then a couple of unknowns:
Attachment 12894
Attachment 12895
Attachment 12896
Attachment 12897
Attachment 12898
Another Brazilian special, first of all a clean set of 20s and then some Vossen CV3 style reps in 19s:
Attachment 12902
Attachment 12903
Attachment 12904
Attachment 12905
Attachment 12906
Specs: 20 x 8.5, ET45, weight tbc
Attachment 12909
Attachment 12910
I'd previously quoted 20 x 9 ET38 on a previous car in this thread but there are friendlier offsets available in 5 x 112 fitments.
The aptly named 0.01 which have been covered before and will now be revisited:
Attachment 12920
Attachment 12921
Gramlights - matt graphite 19 x 8.5 ET44
Attachment 12928
Attachment 12929
Attachment 12930
Attachment 12931
Specs: 19 x 8.5, ET45, weight tbc
Attachment 12948
Attachment 12949
Attachment 12950
Attachment 12951
From the german vw website configurator 19 inch Pretorias in black
Attachment 12958
there are many colours available like the deep blue pearl effect in picture
Attachment 12959
Volk ZE40

Llet's have another review of Talladegas:
Attachment 12967
Attachment 12968
Last edited by tigger73; 18-04-2015 at 11:06 PM.
--- FS: 2016 Golf GTI 40 years, white, DSG, 18,xxxkm -------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Audi SQ5 | 2016 Golf GTI CS + OZ UL HLTs | Retired: 2018 Audi RS3 sportback + OZ Leggera HLTs
2017 Golf R Wolfsburg Sportwagen | 2016 BMW 340i + M-Performance tune/exhaust | 2015 Audi S3 sedan
2014 Golf GTI + OZ Leggera HLTs | 2012 Polo 77TSI (hers) | 2010 Golf GTI Stage 2 + OZ ST LMs
Last edited by tigger73; 18-04-2015 at 05:51 PM.
--- FS: 2016 Golf GTI 40 years, white, DSG, 18,xxxkm -------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Audi SQ5 | 2016 Golf GTI CS + OZ UL HLTs | Retired: 2018 Audi RS3 sportback + OZ Leggera HLTs
2017 Golf R Wolfsburg Sportwagen | 2016 BMW 340i + M-Performance tune/exhaust | 2015 Audi S3 sedan
2014 Golf GTI + OZ Leggera HLTs | 2012 Polo 77TSI (hers) | 2010 Golf GTI Stage 2 + OZ ST LMs
Last edited by tigger73; 18-04-2015 at 05:51 PM.
--- FS: 2016 Golf GTI 40 years, white, DSG, 18,xxxkm -------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Audi SQ5 | 2016 Golf GTI CS + OZ UL HLTs | Retired: 2018 Audi RS3 sportback + OZ Leggera HLTs
2017 Golf R Wolfsburg Sportwagen | 2016 BMW 340i + M-Performance tune/exhaust | 2015 Audi S3 sedan
2014 Golf GTI + OZ Leggera HLTs | 2012 Polo 77TSI (hers) | 2010 Golf GTI Stage 2 + OZ ST LMs
Last edited by tigger73; 18-04-2015 at 05:51 PM.
--- FS: 2016 Golf GTI 40 years, white, DSG, 18,xxxkm -------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Audi SQ5 | 2016 Golf GTI CS + OZ UL HLTs | Retired: 2018 Audi RS3 sportback + OZ Leggera HLTs
2017 Golf R Wolfsburg Sportwagen | 2016 BMW 340i + M-Performance tune/exhaust | 2015 Audi S3 sedan
2014 Golf GTI + OZ Leggera HLTs | 2012 Polo 77TSI (hers) | 2010 Golf GTI Stage 2 + OZ ST LMs
Last edited by tigger73; 18-04-2015 at 05:52 PM.
--- FS: 2016 Golf GTI 40 years, white, DSG, 18,xxxkm -------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Audi SQ5 | 2016 Golf GTI CS + OZ UL HLTs | Retired: 2018 Audi RS3 sportback + OZ Leggera HLTs
2017 Golf R Wolfsburg Sportwagen | 2016 BMW 340i + M-Performance tune/exhaust | 2015 Audi S3 sedan
2014 Golf GTI + OZ Leggera HLTs | 2012 Polo 77TSI (hers) | 2010 Golf GTI Stage 2 + OZ ST LMs
Last edited by tigger73; 18-04-2015 at 05:53 PM.
--- FS: 2016 Golf GTI 40 years, white, DSG, 18,xxxkm -------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Audi SQ5 | 2016 Golf GTI CS + OZ UL HLTs | Retired: 2018 Audi RS3 sportback + OZ Leggera HLTs
2017 Golf R Wolfsburg Sportwagen | 2016 BMW 340i + M-Performance tune/exhaust | 2015 Audi S3 sedan
2014 Golf GTI + OZ Leggera HLTs | 2012 Polo 77TSI (hers) | 2010 Golf GTI Stage 2 + OZ ST LMs
Last edited by tigger73; 18-04-2015 at 05:53 PM.
--- FS: 2016 Golf GTI 40 years, white, DSG, 18,xxxkm -------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Audi SQ5 | 2016 Golf GTI CS + OZ UL HLTs | Retired: 2018 Audi RS3 sportback + OZ Leggera HLTs
2017 Golf R Wolfsburg Sportwagen | 2016 BMW 340i + M-Performance tune/exhaust | 2015 Audi S3 sedan
2014 Golf GTI + OZ Leggera HLTs | 2012 Polo 77TSI (hers) | 2010 Golf GTI Stage 2 + OZ ST LMs
Last edited by tigger73; 18-04-2015 at 05:53 PM.
--- FS: 2016 Golf GTI 40 years, white, DSG, 18,xxxkm -------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Audi SQ5 | 2016 Golf GTI CS + OZ UL HLTs | Retired: 2018 Audi RS3 sportback + OZ Leggera HLTs
2017 Golf R Wolfsburg Sportwagen | 2016 BMW 340i + M-Performance tune/exhaust | 2015 Audi S3 sedan
2014 Golf GTI + OZ Leggera HLTs | 2012 Polo 77TSI (hers) | 2010 Golf GTI Stage 2 + OZ ST LMs
Last edited by tigger73; 18-04-2015 at 05:54 PM.
--- FS: 2016 Golf GTI 40 years, white, DSG, 18,xxxkm -------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Audi SQ5 | 2016 Golf GTI CS + OZ UL HLTs | Retired: 2018 Audi RS3 sportback + OZ Leggera HLTs
2017 Golf R Wolfsburg Sportwagen | 2016 BMW 340i + M-Performance tune/exhaust | 2015 Audi S3 sedan
2014 Golf GTI + OZ Leggera HLTs | 2012 Polo 77TSI (hers) | 2010 Golf GTI Stage 2 + OZ ST LMs
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