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Thread: High Flow Inlet Turbo Elbow Pipe For VW Golf MK7 GTI R Audi S3 A3 TT 1.8TSI 2.0T

  1. #1
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    High Flow Inlet Turbo Elbow Pipe For VW Golf MK7 GTI R Audi S3 A3 TT 1.8TSI 2.0T

    Hi Folks,
    Has anyone successfully purchased and installed an EBay special or similar:

    High Flow Inlet Turbo Elbow Pipe For VW Golf MK7 GTI R Audi S3 A3 TT 1.8TSI 2.0T

    Post reply with Links please?

    Cheers Al
    Last edited by Call me Al; 13-05-2022 at 09:07 AM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Call me Al View Post
    Hi Folks,
    Has anyone successfully purchased and installed an EBay special or similar:

    High Flow Inlet Turbo Elbow Pipe For VW Golf MK7 GTI R Audi S3 A3 TT 1.8TSI 2.0T

    Post reply with Links please?

    Cheers Al
    works fine

  3. #3
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    Hi Amunra,
    More detail is requested. Where did you get yours and pics and link to supplier?

    I have other feedback that not all the EBay Elbows fit our 2.0-litre Inline 4 Turbocharged (EA88

    Cheers Al

    Quote Originally Posted by amunra View Post
    works fine

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Call me Al View Post
    Hi Amunra,
    More detail is requested. Where did you get yours and pics and link to supplier?

    I have other feedback that not all the EBay Elbows fit our 2.0-litre Inline 4 Turbocharged (EA88

    Cheers Al
    theyre all the same on ebay.. got the cheapest one i could find..

    should be about 100 - 110 all up for that and sillicon intake hose

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    I bought an ebay/aliexpress cheapy and whilst it fits perfectly and seems to be made well enough, the downside is that it didn't have a proper internal bell-mouth at the end where the inlet attaches to the turbo. Instead, there were several sharp-ish edges/angles which can't be great for flow.

    I ended up doing a fair bit of work to mine with a Dremel to create my own smooth bell-mouth, and then had to clean it thoroughly with water and brake cleaner to remove the metal swarf. I'm not sure if many people would bother with this step, but in original form I wasn't a fan of the angular steps in the design - it's a compromise. That said... would you notice the difference on a dyno or by the seat-of-your-pants? Perhaps, or perhaps not.

    You will note that the pricier versions of the turbo inlets are all bell-mouth for better flow.

    High Flow Inlet Turbo Elbow Pipe For VW Golf MK7 GTI R Audi S3 A3 TT 1.8TSI 2.0T-280357123_1381037932400923_7254709747342069597_n-jpg

  7. #7
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    Hi Pete,
    Thanks very much for that great detail. I can port and smooth if required.

    Cheers Al
    Quote Originally Posted by petemac110 View Post
    I bought an ebay/aliexpress cheapy and whilst it fits perfectly and seems to be made well enough, the downside is that it didn't have a proper internal bell-mouth at the end where the inlet attaches to the turbo. Instead, there were several sharp-ish edges/angles which can't be great for flow.

    I ended up doing a fair bit of work to mine with a Dremel to create my own smooth bell-mouth, and then had to clean it thoroughly with water and brake cleaner to remove the metal swarf. I'm not sure if many people would bother with this step, but in original form I wasn't a fan of the angular steps in the design - it's a compromise. That said... would you notice the difference on a dyno or by the seat-of-your-pants? Perhaps, or perhaps not.

    You will note that the pricier versions of the turbo inlets are all bell-mouth for better flow.

    High Flow Inlet Turbo Elbow Pipe For VW Golf MK7 GTI R Audi S3 A3 TT 1.8TSI 2.0T-280357123_1381037932400923_7254709747342069597_n-jpg

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  9. #9
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    I didnt notice any unusual edges or have to dremmel / file anything inside my elbow piece.... maybe this guy got a defective one or a different version...

    Ive seen the brand name CTS elbows (200+) actually crack and fall apart due to poor manufacturing / design / material compared to the ebays which are slightly different design.

    ulll find some installation vids that show u need to do some complicated 2man maneuveur to take off ur old elbow off and remove some plastic connection and it just isnt like that.... everything should come apart fairly easily off your car and doesnt take massive force... literally took me 1 go and a few minutes to have everything removed was too easy.

    on reinstallation.. I would recommend using a 1 or 2 drops of household superglue on the end of the plastic connection to keep it firmly attached to ur inlet elbow as the plastic connector doesnt sit properly and has a little bit of play when reinstalled.... 1 - 2 drop of superglue sits fine and its not permanently attached so u can undo it later if needed.

    U should feel better throttle / pedal response (noticeable) after these 2 pieces and the sluggish / sleepy feel will be improved drastically

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by amunra View Post
    I didnt notice any unusual edges or have to dremmel / file anything inside my elbow piece.... maybe this guy got a defective one or a different version...
    No, there's definitely nothing defective about it - it's a deliberate design/manufacturing choice. Many of the cheap versions don't have the bell mouth design, and instead there's an angled section rather than a smoothly radiused bell mouth. Unless you are specifically looking out for it, you may not notice - and I'm perhaps just a tad obsessive about details like this I think it all depends who the supplier is though. Mine wasn't a Kyostar.

    I'd be interested to see a photo of the inside of the Kyostar once it arrives to see how it compares with the cheap model I bought:

    Turbo High Flow Inlet Tube For Golf MK7 GTI Audi S3 A3 Leon MK3 EA888 Pipe Performance turbocharger Intake Hose|Turbo Chargers & Parts| - AliExpress

    Good tips regarding the installation too - like you, I also found it pretty straight-forward. I might try the superglue tip too - nice one!

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