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Thread: e-Golf front DRL coding

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Users Country Flag

    e-Golf front DRL coding

    Hi all

    I have a e-Golf MY2020, with PXC headlights (big leds with DLA).
    The e-Golf (and GTE for that matter) is configured the way, that DRL stribes in main headlights are off during daytime. The only DRL are from the C DRLs mounted in the bumper, specific for those models.

    I want to have C and main DRLs on during daytime.

    Any suggestions?

    I have tried the tweak for "Scandinavian DRL", however this also turns on the licence plate light, ambiente light and backlight. The main DRLs are also switched on as "dimmed".
    I would like to have the Cs and main DRLs on at full brightness. But i cant find a way to do this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
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    We don’t have the e-Golf here so that may limit the local knowledge!
    2006 MkV 2.0TDI -> 2005 MkV GTI -> 2008 MkV R32 -> 2013 Polo 77TSI + 2016 Mk7 Golf R Wagon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
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    Oh, how about the GTE? it is same light config.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
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    Nope, we get no hybrid or electric VWs at all!
    2006 MkV 2.0TDI -> 2005 MkV GTI -> 2008 MkV R32 -> 2013 Polo 77TSI + 2016 Mk7 Golf R Wagon

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ah, sorry for asking then. Just looked though some other threads, and you guys seem great at looking into coding issues

    I cant seem to code in anyway due to LCM modules controlling the headlights.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonasNJ View Post
    Ah, sorry for asking then. Just looked though some other threads, and you guys seem great at looking into coding issues

    I cant seem to code in anyway due to LCM modules controlling the headlights.
    Jonas: Hi - hope you are keeping COVID safe way up there in the deep north!!

    You just mentioned the dreaded LCM word!! It's a deal-breaker for changing the lighting functions on the headlight assemblies on most (all?) MQB platform vehicles - alas!

    Problem is that on cars with LCMs, the traditional control of the headlights by the BCM (hex09 module) doesn't happen. Instead, this control is passed to the LCMs and these modules don't provide access to a long-code string, or adaptation channels. Result=headlight lamps can't be changed by VCDS, or OBD11. I'm not sure about VCP - but although this device does give access to the module firmware, I doubt that anyone outside VAG knows which memory locations to alter.

    All that said, if you have managed to get the front DRLs to operate as per your wants via the Scandinavian tweak, it is possible to code-out the DRL function on the rear lights by altering the associated Leuchte-channels (the tails are still controlled by the BCM regardless of presence of LCMs).

    BUT (yes, there is always a "but"), as OPs have indicated e-Golfs are as rare as rocking horse sh#t in the Antipodes! So there ain't much local knowledge down here about how the Leuchte-sets are allocated to the various lamp positions on the e-Golf.

    Nevertheless, with you doing some experimentation in Denmark on the the car (under instruction, of course) it is possible for you to generate a table that defines the Leuchte-set assignments for the tails. With this assignment list and with the provision of the existing Leuchte-set settings (via an adaptation channel map of the BCM) -the task is doable (in theory).

    Now - on an entirely different, but related matter, are you aware that the other impact of the Scandinavian tweak is that it changes the dynamic illumination curve for the instrument cluster to brighten the dashboard lighting during daylight? Is this effect acceptable?

    Last edited by DV52; 04-07-2020 at 05:37 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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