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Thread: MRL Automotive tuning business - more options and some changes.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag

    MRL Automotive tuning business - more options and some changes.

    First of all, I'd like to let my customers and the fellow forum members know, that I’m no longer associated with the Viezu Australia.

    .... and very soon I'll be able to offer the Stage1, Stage2 tunes, DPF removal, EGR removal, speed limiters removal, DTC removal, Left foot breaking, DSG tuning and more.

    The DPF deletion software is for certain ECU types. However, due to legislation issues I can do it for the off road, racetrack or the motor sport use ONLY and the same applies to some other services offered. Please check your local legislation.
    Last edited by Transporter; 29-01-2015 at 09:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Hi mate.

    How can i get in contact with you re dsg tune?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Quote Originally Posted by Rad32 View Post
    Hi mate.

    How can i get in contact with you re dsg tune?

    As mentioned in other post elsewhere in the forum. I do less known brands.

    The Autologic no longer (for some time now) does the tunes, they do software updates to all ECUs in your cars (even reasonably new ones) which I provide. I no longer do Viezu tuning either. I use well known UK tuner who does VAG and BMW and is heavily involved in the Motorsport. For almost year now, I do tuning with him and have done quite a few DSGs as well as stage one tunes. I also do other euro brands, have done few Renaults Trafics all stage1. I prefer reliability and longevity, which those who come to me for the tune value the most. Many of them are just the forum readers.

    I've seen MK5 GTI with the stage2 tune and the DSG tune and at only just over 100,000km (won't name, he is a forum member), which a bloke who lives a street away from me bought from the interstate, had the DSG stuffed up and the engine in a bad shape as well. Of course the original owner bought a Golf6 (I believe he has now Golf7) after he plays a bit he will sell it again, to someone less fortunate who can buy only the secondhand to deal with his safe mods.

    So, don't look for the reference between the active forum members, not many are my customers. I can give you contact (still forum members) on people who have my tunes and know my work.
    Last edited by Transporter; 19-12-2015 at 12:02 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Polo 6r 1.2tsi tune.
    I was looking at a tuning upgrade for my 2013 polo 1.2 tsi, was wondering what performance upgrades your company could provide me with.

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