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Thread: Mk5 Golf front seat swap (opinions please)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Melbourne, Victoria
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    Mk5 Golf front seat swap (opinions please)

    Hi everyone, so I've done a basic search without luck, but if this topic has been discussed before please accept my apologies.

    My 2009 Mk5 Pacific Hatch has only done 150K but the driver's seat is in a bad way. Not only is the leather torn, the foam is worn out and the lumbar suport mechanism is broken.

    I have no desire to replace it with another driver's seat as most I have seen seem to be only marginally better than what I have already, so I have decided one course of action is to replace it with a good passenger seat from the same model. Now before anyone tells me that it can't be done, understand that I have already removed my seat trim, fully investigated the issue and will be re-using my driver's frame and moving everything across. The seat pad is easy as it is identical apart from a small channel for the loom. The seat back foam is a little more difficult as I will have to remove a section on the right to alllow the airbag to fit, and fill in the section on the left. I will also have to transfer what I assume is the airbag heat shield material on the inside of the old leather cover to the new. The lumbar mechanism is just 6 pop rivets.

    So quite a bit of work, but I think worth it due to the fact that the rest of the interior is immaculate and I intend to drive this car until it dies (which I assume will be quite a while as it is a BKD).

    There is another option that I have considered though. That is swappng out a drivers seat from a later model Audi or even a Japanese car (the Subaru Outback seats are very comfortable). Or even a later model Passat, although like the Golf, their seats are a bit on the uncomfortable side compared with some of the aforementioned opttions. Yes I know there may be a few electrical issues especially if the airbag uses a different protocol which is why I was thinking of staying in the family with the Passat or Audi.

    So my question to y'all is has anyone else done replaced the Golf front seats with something else, and if so what?

    Also if soemone out there has a passenger seat in charcoal leather from a mk5 Golf they'd like to sell please PM me if you are in Melbourne.

    On the reciprocal side, please get in touch if you need any advice on how to strip down your mk5 front seats, they are a bitch the first time and there is next to no info online on how to do it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    I would rule out a seat from a Subaru, using a seat from any of the golf range I assume would be a straight swap.

    Maybe try the local European wreckers and see what a set of leather (GTi?) front seats go for?

    Sent from my SM-G977B using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Don't put a passenger seat into the driver position, the airbag and controls will be on the wrong side.
    I have no idea on compatibility with other models, but Volvo seats are the most comfortable I have ever sat in.

    Have you got any quotes or estimates to rebuild your current seat ? Might be comparable in price to a use seat, without all the hassles.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Hi JustCruisn, in my original post I mentioned that I will swap everything over to the original driver's seat frame. Thus all controls etc are correct.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Pacific Paradise QLD
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    Seat would have to be certified again to be legal. Stitching etc would be the sticking point Have an accident and seat prevents airbag from deploying and you will be well up Schitt Creek without any paddles at all
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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