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Thread: 2008 jetta sedan 6spd manual gearbox problem (5th gear broken)

  1. #1
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    2008 jetta sedan 6spd manual gearbox problem (5th gear broken)

    hey guys

    just picked up a 2008 jetta with 6spd (petrol FSI motor) with a bad 5th gear

    removed the gear shift linkage and actuated the gearbox manually, 5th is stripped it just clacks by, I am assuming broken synchro/muff/spring...

    does anyone have a tranny repair manual?

    where can I get gearbox parts? I have rebuilt various gearboxes in the past.

    Can I pull the tranny end cover off and service the stack or does it require splitting the engine from gearbox...

    if thats teh case can I remove gearbox with engine in situ?

    thanks heaps for any help

  2. #2
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    hey dudes

    a bit of reading i've found the 02s and 02q rebuild manuals.. worked out that I have an 02S which has an internal adjustment inside the end cover for the 5th/6th selector fork!

    anyway so what i'll do is drain the oil and pull the end cover off, check the adjustments and see if that fixes it. with any luck i'll be able to get away without replacing anything.

    if the synchro or muff is toast then at least I can replace without tearing down the whole gearbox !

    2008 jetta sedan 6spd manual gearbox problem (5th gear broken)-img_5784-jpg

    2008 jetta sedan 6spd manual gearbox problem (5th gear broken)-screen-shot-2018-04-12-8-26-47-pm-png

    what gearbox oil should I use peeps?

  3. #3
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    well I pulled thebolts to the cover, the anti tamper bolts are a real pain in the arse.

    cant pull the cover off not enough clearance to frame, I will see maybe if removing hte bottom engine mount allows the engine to sag a bit so I can clear the cover from the frame, but there is enough clearance for me to inspect a few of the parts, the problem is that 5th gear muff was not propely locking onto the gear due to increased wear/slack in the 5th/6th gear selector mechanism. I have tried adjusting it via the bolt but I think there is just too much free play.

    I have checked the 5th/6th selector fork, it seems to be heavily worn, probably from the previous owner leaving his hand on the shifter whilst driving.

    cant quite see if its the selector fork tangs that are worn or if its the synchro muff that the selector fork tangs ride in. theres about 3-4mm easily of free play before the tangs actually start moving the synchro muff

    maybe I should just pull the darn gearbox to make my life easier... I will see
    Last edited by s900t8v; 15-04-2018 at 05:18 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Adelaide South Australia
    I am interested in this thread, I hope you have success. Please continue with updates as you progress.
    Understand how it works, troubleshoot logically BEFORE replacing parts.
    2001 T4 TRAKKA Syncro 2.5TDI,2006 Mk5 2.0TDI Golf manual,2001 Polo 1.4 16V manual [now sold], '09 2.0CR TDI Tiguan manual,
    Numerous Mk1 Golf diesels

  5. #5
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    hey thanks for dropping in .

    I picked up a stuffed transmission for $40 bucks, hopefully its the same I couldnt really verify but thought what the heck worth a shot...

    if it is I will remove the L) hand engine to trans mount bolts and let the tranny sag a bit so the end cover can come off.

    then i'll remove the shift fork and inspect it. i'll also measure the muff to se if its worn...

    cant quite tell but think the mk6 gearboxes use bronze shift fork tangs, whereas the earlier version I think uses some sorta steel alloy I think which probably causes excessive wear on the muff as welll... i'll know more once I pull that off

    ordered the stupid zxn sockets from ebay, 27 for a set.. not too bad, at least most of the german companies use the saem spec anti tamper fasteners haha...

  6. #6
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    2008 jetta sedan 6spd manual gearbox problem (5th gear broken)-img_5829-jpg

    2008 jetta sedan 6spd manual gearbox problem (5th gear broken)-screen-shot-2018-04-21-5-29-36-pm-png

    righteo guys

    I removed the battery and battery housing then removed the L) hand engine mount bolts with a jack to support the transmission. I then lowered the transmission down about 1" to allow me to remove the end cover off the transmission

    I then removed the shift fork retaining bolts, and the adjuster bolt.

    the transmission that I picked up for $40 bucks luckily had a good shift fork inside it with minimal wear.

    the shift fork finger in the picture above shows how bad the wear was - probably 1.5-2mm worn away, the early fingers I think are moly coated steel whereas the later versions go to brass tangs.

    the old fork had about 3mm play the new about 1mm or 0.5mm either side when adjusted correctly.

    its amazing how a little bit of clearance on the shift fork finger means a lot of lost range of motion due to how the selector shaft actuates the fork.

    anyway now the gearbox completely engages the synchro muff onto 5th gear, and onto 6th gear within the normal range of movement of the gearstick.


    moral of the story - if you lose 5th or 6th then check the adjustment, if thats ok then you probably need a new shift fork.

    other moral of the story - never drive with your hand chillin on the gearstick/shifter you will just wear your gearbox out!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Robina Gold Coast
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    Good job and it saved you heaps .

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Adelaide South Australia
    Well done, but by the look of your next thread, you are not out of the woods yet. Manual gearbox repairs are uncommon & I can only recall one other forum member needing repairs. How many kms has your car done?
    Understand how it works, troubleshoot logically BEFORE replacing parts.
    2001 T4 TRAKKA Syncro 2.5TDI,2006 Mk5 2.0TDI Golf manual,2001 Polo 1.4 16V manual [now sold], '09 2.0CR TDI Tiguan manual,
    Numerous Mk1 Golf diesels

  9. #9
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    and its had 2x gearbox replacements in its life... both 5th gear failures (wont shift into 5th) which turned out to be worn synchro and shift fork assembly.. both I would say from the PO driving with their hand on the gearstick.

    vw developed I would say or considered in the development of the rubber dampers in the shifter cables, the idea of stopping the force from the driver resting their hand on the gearstick from being transmitted through to the shift forks because when the fork is engaged on the muff there is meant to be play on either side of the shift fork (about 0.5mm) and the selector mechanism on the gearbox has a stop so you cant 'overshift' the gear, but you can by resting your hand on the gearstick tug the shift fork back towards the neutral gate for the gear pair (5th/6th) which causes the wear on the shift forks.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2020
    NSW Cowra

    Wasn’t sure whether to start a new thread or reply to this but this is pretty relevant I feel so I’ll keep going…

    06 Mk5 2.0tdi 6sp manual. Just bought it with 179k km. 5th gear growls when engine braking - even the slightest touch on the throttle and it’s silent. It’s perfect I’m every other situation.

    Anyone know what a likely issue is and can I sort it without removing the box from the car?

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