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Thread: Power window button not working

  1. #1

    Power window button not working

    Hi guys,

    Upon driving home today my passenger window was down all the way but when I tried to put it back up using my driver side control, the button was not responding so I tried the passenger side button and it still does not respond.
    I didn't know what to do so I just locked my car using my remote central locking and the car automatically wounded up the window so then I turned on my car again and from my driver side control I could make the window go down but not up so I tried from the passenger side and I could not make it go up or down using the button so I had to just locked my car again to make the window go up.
    Does anyone know what the problem is? or ever experienced something like this before?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    What are the chances having 2 faulty switches?
    Maybe start with the switch's connection.
    I've changed the driver's side twice.
    MK4 GTI: Custom Code Stage 2, K03S, 42DD exhaust, Bilsteins, whiteline F&R, 312mm brakes
    MK6 GTI: MY13, DSG , very stock
    Ducati 749

  3. #3
    Thanks, I might check the connection when I find the time.
    Edit: Just came from a quick drive to the petrol station and checked my passenger window again and seems to work fine now, maybe just a bad connection as you said.
    Sorry to sound like a noob but I noticed that my headlights would dim when I press the power window button to wound up and down, is this normal?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Users Country Flag
    Quote Originally Posted by PrOxIMPURE View Post
    I noticed that my headlights would dim when I press the power window button to wound up and down, is this normal?
    Yes this is normal.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
    MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

  5. #5

    Power window button not working

    Quote Originally Posted by JustCruisn View Post
    Yes this is normal.


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