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Thread: T5 2009 4-Motion Engine/Gearbox mounts

  1. #1

    T5 2009 4-Motion Engine/Gearbox mounts

    I have had 2 engine mounts in my 2009 T5 4-Motion Manual Caravelle replaced. They were in pretty bad condition.
    However I still have an engine vibration between 1000 and 1800 RPM and I am wondering if there is an engine or gearbox mount I have missed that might be a cause?
    Can someone tell haw many mount points there are and approximately where.
    I know of the centre front and one at the driverside end of the engine. Are there more?
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hi John,

    There are four mounts in total. In addition to the two you mention, there is one on the gearbox end ( can see through passenger wheel arch). Also another at back of engine where the exhaust down pipe is. The front engine mount ( bumper bar side) probably tends to get the hardest time followed by the passenger side one holding up the gearbox. I am not sure though if the 4 motion manual version has a slight variation?

    In relation to vibration mentioned, also check all exhaust mounts, including around the DPF down pipe.


  3. #3

    Thanks Scott, very helpful.

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