Back at it again - this time its to replace the cam belt, tensioner and water pump.
I've just returned from the UK with a heavy suitcase - I purchased a Gates cam belt,tensioner and water pump kit and now its time to fit it !
I've read the manual some advice from a friend , scoured the blog's looking for pointers so now its time to get greasy!

Seems that the easy part is getting the cam belt belt off - The Aux or serpentine belt needs to come off first and seems to require a special tool to release the tension on the ribbed belt.

Any suggestions ? - I could make up a tool ???

The other question I have is that the manual says "when installing the belt the timing marks must be set and the belt tension adjusted .... The Crankshaft must NOT be at TDC when the belt is placed into position"

This has me a little perplexed - can anyone shed some light on this ?
So should I rotate the crank a few teeth off TDC , fit the new belt , align to TDC and check the timing marks are correct.

Any suggestions greatly received - I'm keen to get this right the first time !