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Thread: Changing power source of middle and rear 12v cig sockets

  1. #1

    Changing power source of middle and rear 12v cig sockets

    Does anybody know if it's possible to change the power source for the rear and middle 12v cig sockets to a leisure/dual battery? If so, any tips? My leisure battery will be located under the passenger seat.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I put extra sockets in my kombi beach for the fridge which is rearwards of the sliding door. To get a wire there, I ran it from after the existing 15 amp fuse off the leisure battery, under the carpet then under the sliding door sill or step cover, there is a way to run it through a groove area so the parts that hold up the step do not cut the wire. The fuse was already there in the holder under the seat to run the original one socket beside the drivers seat.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr mojo risin View Post
    Does anybody know if it's possible to change the power source for the rear and middle 12v cig sockets to a leisure/dual battery? If so, any tips? My leisure battery will be located under the passenger seat.
    we normally advise to leave those sockets as they are and add a couple of surface mount additional sockets with independent heavy gauge wiring to the leisure battery.

    The existing sockets have very thin wiring that is good for around 7 Amps near the sliding door and only 5 Amps at the rear tailgate (often insufficient amps to start the fridge compressor)

  4. #4
    Thanks guys, exactly the information I was looking for. Looking forward to another isolation project hah.

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianJ View Post
    I put extra sockets in my kombi beach for the fridge which is rearwards of the sliding door. To get a wire there, I ran it from after the existing 15 amp fuse off the leisure battery, under the carpet then under the sliding door sill or step cover, there is a way to run it through a groove area so the parts that hold up the step do not cut the wire. The fuse was already there in the holder under the seat to run the original one socket beside the drivers seat.
    Quote Originally Posted by syncro91 View Post
    we normally advise to leave those sockets as they are and add a couple of surface mount additional sockets with independent heavy gauge wiring to the leisure battery.

    The existing sockets have very thin wiring that is good for around 7 Amps near the sliding door and only 5 Amps at the rear tailgate (often insufficient amps to start the fridge compressor)

  5. #5
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    If anyone can help i need some advice.
    I have one vw caravelle 2015 with additional battery under the driver seat.
    The car was bought second had from a dealer that didn't gave me any information about it.
    For what use is that second battery under the driver seat?
    I can use it for connecting camping accessories on it?
    Thank you very much.

  6. #6
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    Mt Cotton
    I would imagine someone wanted two batteries for either camping or powering some other electrical item , what I can say for sure VW would not fit one standard , the tight arses LOL.

  7. #7
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    It was for sure option from vw. All cables and connections under the seat are oem style.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sop View Post
    It was for sure option from vw. All cables and connections under the seat are oem style.
    Ok I stand corrected then .

  9. #9
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    I did yesterday some measurements and maybe this will help someone in the future.
    First of all it seems OEM installed. It is inside the car but has a little hose connected on it . Also has a rubber cover.
    With that installed dangerous gases from the battery are eliminated outside.
    With engine running the battery is charged and when engine is of the connection between the batteries is cut off.
    The only consumer i found on the second battery until now is the auxiliary heating.
    All lights and power sockets seems to be powered by main battery.
    I will have to check today the ventilation systems in the front and back to see from where they are powered.
    I'll make also some pictures with the battery and wiring from under the seat.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    That sounds like the same VW original installation in the kombi beach model, except it was put under the passengers seat. It was originally a lead acid battery, (not deep cycle), of 80A/Hrs just enough to run a compressor fridge, a couple of LED strip lights and to be able to charge tablets or phones. I now have a 100A/Hr AGM deep cycle sealed battery mounted on its side so it fits in the same space, which works well with a Engel fridge, and for longer stays a 80W folding solar panel.

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