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Thread: Audio Headunit aux

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Raymond Terrace, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Question Audio Headunit aux

    Just had a look at the manual for the 2006 T5 and it says there is an aux port in the glovebox. Can't find it and there is a black box in it. Any ideas what that's for? Just want to be able to listen to a bit of music via ipod aux until I get my headunit replacement. Also got a CD stuck in it. How do I get it out? Thanks for all the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    You may find that little box is for a plug in point but only on a top of the range model , we ditched our head units in both our T5s for a model that had all the functions we needed Bluetooth SD card slots USB connections and a dozen more things that are standard but without breaking the bank with VW models . As yours is pre update this one will fit Erisin ES7709V 7" DAB+ Android 9.0 Car Stereo GPS DVD Player for VW Golf Passat Polo T5 Multivan Jetta Peugeot . NOW remember its from China and there are those on this forum who hate me for not buying a $3000 plus VW unit when for around $450 one of these does all the same as the VW one and a hell of a lot more .

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