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Thread: New owner need some help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Users Country Flag

    New owner need some help

    Hi guys.

    I'm sorry for doing this but my friend bought a polo and he needs some help.
    We tried to search but we can't find a definitive answer so hopefully this forum will help.
    Basically he bought slightly modified polo 9N3 GTI and he wants to change the usual things
    Oil, gearbox oil, spark plugs, filters, coolant...
    What engine oil is good for polo? I found so many different answers that we can't decide. 10w40? 5w30? Preferred brand?
    Recommended spark plugs? Whatever vw says or is there a better alternative? It's modified it's got what previous owner said GIAC stage 2 "tune".
    Do you guys use oem oil filters or just random like ryco?
    Anyone can show me a photo of standard intercooler ideally on the car? I'm trying to find out if it's standard or aftermarket.
    Is there anything special what polo suffers from? Something what we should change or check?

    Can't find any good info tbh. It's much easier with my mitsubishi...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
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    For me

    Penrite HPR 5W-40 (I think)
    Ryco oil filter
    NGK BKR7E gapped to 28 thou
    Standard intercooler is a side mount behind drivers side fog light
    08 9n3 Polo GTI
    Mods: heaps

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritchma View Post
    Hi guys.

    I'm sorry for doing this but my friend bought a polo and he needs some help.
    We tried to search but we can't find a definitive answer so hopefully this forum will help.
    Basically he bought slightly modified polo 9N3 GTI and he wants to change the usual things
    Oil, gearbox oil, spark plugs, filters, coolant...
    What engine oil is good for polo? I found so many different answers that we can't decide. 10w40? 5w30? Preferred brand?
    Recommended spark plugs? Whatever vw says or is there a better alternative? It's modified it's got what previous owner said GIAC stage 2 "tune".
    Do you guys use oem oil filters or just random like ryco?
    Anyone can show me a photo of standard intercooler ideally on the car? I'm trying to find out if it's standard or aftermarket.
    Is there anything special what polo suffers from? Something what we should change or check?

    Can't find any good info tbh. It's much easier with my mitsubishi...
    Can't find any good info, You're in the Polo section. It's all here. not in one place maybe but definitely here.

    Lee has given you the plugs, std are fine but not many folk use them. BKR7E gapped to 28 thou.

    Oil filters, I will not use anything that isn't made in Germany. So either VW, Hengst or Mann. Whichever is on a deal at Imparts when I get them.

    I use HPR 10 from Penrite which is a 10-50w. Their recommendation is enviro+ which costs a mint.

    Coolant, only use G12 from VW or Imparts or the German equivalent. There's been disasters using anything else.

    Gearbox oil VWs one stuff is the only one recommended IIRC but most guys are using aftermarket synthetics. I have used Penrite 75-90 other use Redline MTL. I wouldn't bother changing that unless it's got crunchy syncros.

    If you search through the Polo section it's all been done in the past.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thank you for your help. Unfortunately if you search first you get so many different answers that it's hard to choose what is the right thing to use/do. If it was my car I would just try whatever I think it's good but if it's for someone else I'm trying to do it right.

    You actually answered my next question I forgot to ask. Imparts looks good thanks for that.
    Why did you decide to use hpr10 instead of enviro+ ? It seems to be the most preferred oil for 9N3 polos.

    Why wouldn't you change gearbox oil? I change it every two years in my evo. It takes just a couple of minutes to change it and even good quality oil is cheap.

    How often you guys change spark plugs for example?

    I think my friend's polo has aftermarket IC. It looks like it's a smaller one but it's in the middle. I might take his front bar off and have a look on the weekend. The person who's done all the mods to his cars sold it to someone who's got no idea and my friend bought it off him so he doesn't really know what exactly has been done to it. All I know it's got some power. I would say it might even almost keep up with standard evo.

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