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Thread: 2008 GTI: changing instrument cluster lighting colour

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Sydney, NSW

    Question 2008 GTI: changing instrument cluster lighting colour

    so I now have a 2008 Polo GTI. My old eyes really struggle with the blue lighting in the instrument cluster and I'd really prefer it was red. The blue is the single most annoying thing I've observed in the car so far. If you've done this I'd love to hear about it. I looked in the FAQ thread and in the lighting thread linked in there, and searched around a bit.

    I figured I'd try to find another GTI cluster and experiment/modify it on my workbench before messing with the one in my car, so I can get it properly sorted in one try. Going to assume pulling the cluster out will be a massive PITA.

    Presumably if it's blue LEDs back there (vs. white LEDs and a blue lightpipe) it'll need a resistor change also. If it's a blue lightpipe I will ... dunno yet, probably cry in a corner or something

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi mate,
    Yeah removing the cluster is a pretty committed job. I was wrecking a car when I did mine and even then it was pretty infuriating. To do it neatly and properly so that it’s not a mass of squeaks afterwards would need some patience. There are vids/ step by steps out there that you’ll be able to find but nothing I have on hand sorry.
    I think Gti clusters are usually 150-200 bucks or so. I’ve got one spare if you do decide to do it that you could have a bit cheaper than that.
    Not taking the piss but the dimmer dial for the cluster is still working yeah. It’s not stuck on low is it.

  3. #3
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    yeah the dimmer is working

    And yes, if you're willing to sell your spare dash, I'd love to collect it and tinker. Will PM

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    do able through VCDS Gav?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    The dash would need coding to the car or the immo will trip. FYI
    yeah I'd wondered about that too, cheers. I also don't want the odometer to jump, so...

    my plan was to put the original dash back in, but not actually do anything in the car at all until I've figured out what to do, hence the spare dash. Unless they've done something unnecessarily complicated with the backlighting I can power up the spare on my bench power supply and tinker at my leisure, while not breaking my car

  7. #7
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    so its seems the cluster comes out this simply:

    but from what Gav says the problem you'll run into with a cluster swap is the same as his at the end of the vid.


    is this the procedure Gav?

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