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Thread: Golf Mk6 Running-In with new Pistons and Rings

  1. #1

    Golf Mk6 Running-In with new Pistons and Rings

    2009 Golf Mk6 - 118TSI - 1.4 - 5K1 - CAVD Engine

    Hi All,

    I am seeking some guidance on running-in an engine which has had new pistons and rings (de-glazed bore). My normal engine oil is Penrite ENVIRO+ 5W30.

    Am I meant to use a different grade oil during the running-in period? If so, what grade and for how long?

    The Haynes manual I own does not mention the use of any other oil when operating after new rings etc and just mentions to stay away from full throttle for 1000 kms and then do an oil change. But, I keep seeing online that I should use a mineral oil for the running-in period. I have seen Shell Helix HX3 20W50 mentioned for this. I'm interested if anyone has any experience or guidance on running-in this engine (or similar).

    Any guidance or advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Penrite make a specific running in oil. i would use that for the first 500kms. If the engine just has new rings and pistons and everything else has not been changed then 500kms is plenty to bed in the rings. The rings need gas pressure behind them to bed in properly so I would do a series of full throttle high gear acceleration runs from around 2000 to 4000 rpm do this for around 20 times to do the initial ring bedding and then drive normally for 500 kms and then change back to your normal oil.

    If you are too gentle with the initial ring bedding you risk glazing the bores before the rings can bed in properly
    2013 Touareg V8 TDI R line and spanner on my sons Mk4 R32

  3. #3
    Thank you for the reply. I had contacted Penrite regarding their running-in oil because the specs say that it can be used where SAE 15W-40, 20W-40, 20W-50 & SAE 30 viscosity grades are specified by the manufacturer. Noting those grades don't include my normal one of 5W30 I thought I'd ask them for clarification. I received a reply which stated:

    "unfortunately we only have 10 Tenths Running in oil in our range. We suggest speaking with an Engine reconditioner for advice on what oil would be best to use for this application".

    I don't really understand that first sentence if I am to be honest! Maybe its fine, I have just been a bit weary is all worrying that oil I use won't be suitable for the turbo. I should note that as part of this maintenance I am also changing:

    - Timing Chain
    - Oil Pump chain
    - Crank timing sprocket
    - Inlet and Exhaust cam sprockets
    - The standard torque to yield bolts

    Thank you again for the reply and information on running-in. Cheers.

  4. #4
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    if worried about needing a specific 5W-30 spec oil for running in due to the turbo then you could try this Driven BR30 5W-30 break in oil from Sparesbox
    Just a moment...

    Some general information on running in oils as reference
    Break-In Oils and Assembly Lube Needs with Engines
    Last edited by rgh0; 07-01-2024 at 11:39 AM.
    2013 Touareg V8 TDI R line and spanner on my sons Mk4 R32

  5. #5
    Thank you rgh0.

  6. #6
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    For new pistons and rings I wouldn't bother with a specific "running in" oil. This oil is really only used for expensive full rebuilds on a race engine for example where the owner has spent big dollars.

    On all new cars, manufacturers just use regular engine oil when the engine is built.

    Personally I would just use your usual oil and change the oil and filter after 500-1000km to remove any contaminents.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 08-01-2024 at 03:49 PM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    For new pistons and rings I wouldn't bother with a specific "running in" oil. This oil is really only used for expensive full rebuilds on a race engine for example where the owner has speny big dollars.

    On all new cars, manufacturers just use regular engine oil when the engine is built.

    Personally I would just use your usual oil and change the oil and filter after 500-1000km to remove any contaminents.

    That's what I'm doing. Over these last few weeks I have done a lot of reading on the subject and I have come to one conclusion with all of the different methods I have seen:

    'Ask 20 people the best method and I'll get 20 different responses'.

    I'm going to use the normal oil and change it (and filter) around 1000kms. I discussed this topic with a mate who is a service manager at a VW centre and historically they've had multiple of these CAVD engines with piston issues. His recommendation was basically what you have suggested. Cheers.

  8. #8
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    Modern engine manufacturers use specific honing techniques to achieve desired surface finishes and assembly tolerances to ensure "normal" oil can be used for running in. Whether that normal oil is the same as their normal service oil they do not say but it may contain addtional additives. Whether this normal service oil is adequate after a rebuild depends again on what was rebuilt and surface finish and tolerances achieved. Using your normal service oil and changing it at 1000km's is probably OK. Personally i would still use a specific running oil but up to you.
    2013 Touareg V8 TDI R line and spanner on my sons Mk4 R32

  9. #9
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    I know several VW mechs that grew up rebuilding these engines every week. They just use the std oil everytime. It's against the grain for me but the few I have had a hand in dont gobble oil afterwards, so I guess it's all good.

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