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Thread: Chaging Oil via oil Extraction method

  1. #1
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    Chaging Oil via oil Extraction method

    My understanding is that many engines are designed to drain their oil via the dip stick hole using an oil extractor. I can find plenty of information on other models which seem to say it's fine (if not the standard way), but very little information on the CAVD (1.4 Twincharged 118TSI) specifically to confirm if this is possible.

    I did buy an oil extractor kit to give it a bash, picked up the requisite oil and filter only to find out that the dip stick hole on the 118TSI is particularly narrow. The 6mm tube I have is too wide... by only a bit? A lot?

    Has anyone actually done this?

    VW have this kit for workshops, although I can find minimal information on the parts (or what models it's suitable for).
    VAS6622A, Used Oil Collection and Extraction Unit - Audi Authorized Tools and Equipment

    This page seems to say it's used on the CAVD:

    In theory that means one of these probes is the right one, but finding information on the kit itself and/or the individual probes is proving difficult.

    Oil extraction probe, rigid: VAS 6622/1, ASE 417 166 00 000
    Oil extraction probe, flexible: VAS 6622/2, ASE 417 167 00 000
    Oil extraction probe, flexible: VAS 6622/3, ASE 417 168 00 000
    Oil extraction probe, flexible: VAS 6622/4, ASE 417 169 00 000
    Adapter for direct extraction: VAS 6622/5, ASE 417 170 00 000

    Based on this one Ukrainian website:
    VAS 6622/1, ASE 417 166 00 000 - The flexible dipstick for pumping out oil has a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 700 mm.
    VAS 6622/2, ASE 417 167 00 000 - The flexible dipstick for pumping out oil has a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 700 mm.
    VAS 6622/3, ASE 417 168 00 000 - The flexible oil dipstick has a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 700 mm.
    VAS 6622/4, ASE 417 169 00 000 - The flexible oil extraction probe is equipped with a connecting element, which corresponds to the connection of the extraction hose and has a diameter of 7 mm and a length of 1000 mm.

    Based on that 6mm would be correct...

    Well, given I've written all this I figure I might as well keep going and post something.

    So I re-measured the tube I have and it's ever so slightly out of round being just under 6mm in one dimension but just over in the other... given all of this I figured I'd try again, but with a little more force (while still being careful).

    Yep. It's tight, but it does indeed go in and seem to bottom out about where I feel it should. It's too late and I don't want to work in the dark, so this is now a tomorrow problem, but it looks like in writing this post I have answered my own question.

    I should be able to update tomorrow on if and how it worked.
    I'm also installing an oil catch can, but more on that later too.

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  2. #2
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    So today I warmed up the engine and tried only to find the tube wouldn't go in again so I set about other tasks before trying again when it was a little cooler and I could get a little closer.
    A little persistence and while it was a tight fit, I got the tube in and about 3.6L of oil out... so pretty much bang on what should have been in there. Fresh oil in... less so on the filter change.

    The filter that is in there would not budge by hand so I went and grabbed a cheap tool from Autobarn... nope, that still slips and wont grip it, even dropped in a little paper towel for a tighter fit and it still wont budge, grabbed a generic clampy thing, still wont grip (although that might be the tool rather than the filter)... Unless anyone else has any ideas I might have to go to the local VW place and get them to do it for me.

    This filter isn't strange right? Unscrews to the left (counter clockwise)?
    Last edited by The_Hawk; 24-01-2025 at 05:47 PM.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  3. #3
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    Yes it does but some one has put it on without a bit of oil on the gasket and its welded itself to the metal fitting. A big pair of water pump opliers or as last resort stick a screwdriver through it and that will shift it
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  4. #4
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    How annoying that you bought an extractor kit and the hoses don't fit your dipstick hole. I also bought an extractor a few years ago (got mine from Total Tools) and it fitted my Mk7 GTI, my Audi SQ5 and also fits my Ford Fiesta ST. The only car it didn't work on was my mums Renault Clio, so had to put the car on ramps and drain the oil the old fashioned way.

    Very handy tool for cars which have the oil filter accessable from the top. Just make sure that the oil is hot/warm and it will not work properly when the oil is cold and thicker.

    As for your oil filter, should be lefty loosey. Previous person who serviced it might have seriously overtightened it.
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