View Full Version : Well supported, All!

02-10-2005, 09:02 AM
We've been online for 4 months now and have 124 members. Not bad, I reckon. You guys are to be congratulated on you contributions and enthusiasm. We have a great balance of a small community where we (more or less) all know each other, and enough of a userbase to make the site interesting for visitors. I monitor access to the site as webstats., which show we are visited a lot from overseas, and I reckon you are all great ambassadors for Australia. Our knowledge base is growing and hopefully it will prove useful the the world VW watercooled community so that it compliment those of well established sites such as VW Vortex.

27-11-2005, 07:29 AM
update we now have 150 registered users !!!!! and growing :)

Golf Loon
27-11-2005, 08:17 AM
And I reckon lots of those users have a non computerised friend or two with a golf, so our sphere of influence is even bigger!

01-12-2005, 12:10 AM
exactly, i know a few guys/girls with golfs who still havent taken the plunge, ive been doing some postering, and chucking flyers on random golfs i see about the place, just to get awareness up.