View Full Version : password troubles

11-05-2020, 11:39 PM
Hi. First post! I just created an account and as per normal used my password manager to generate a random and unique password for this site. This password was accepted by the form. I received the confirmation email and did the clicky linky thing, then tried to login — pasting the password from my password manager — and failed, twice. Are there some hidden password restrictions in effect here?

The random password would have been 64 characters (per NIST guidelines (https://www.solarwindsmsp.com/blog/nist-password-standards2)) and contained letters, numbers and various punctuation.

12-05-2020, 10:48 AM
SO how did you get in to post this

14-05-2020, 04:58 PM
I used the password reset feature. That wasn't really the point of my post.

I posted because it seems users can make it through the complete new-user process and then be unable to login without a password reset.

19-05-2020, 12:46 PM
I'm not aware of any restrictions in place for passwords on here, although I do find that some sites will limit you to 12/16/24 characters. A 64 character unique and random password is probably overkill for a forum that holds little or no personal information beyond email address, but I get that you have a standard approach.

vBulletin being an off the shelf piece of software means it does what it does and I have zero control over it. If it's still playing up I'd try dropping it back to 32 characters and see if that works or even back to 16.