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Thread: Have I received Lemon Tiguan 132T or again DSG old problems continue with Volkswagen?

  1. #41

    Quote Originally Posted by cameleon72 View Post
    Hi sorry to all was overseas didn't have time to reply, this is continue from other thread on request from user Justice we will continue here discussion
    Justice is right to be upset as recording audio on mobile phone with poor audio microphone is just not enough even I cant hear those noise from audio but having same issue I tottaly understand why he is upset, to catch all this clunking clicking rattle noise as human ears works differently ,you will need some professional audio recording device with multiply microphone inputs to clearly record this issue and isolate external motor and driving noises coming and mixing inside of cabin , is different driving live in car .

    By my long testing driving all tiguan 2 models proven that all 4wd new Tiguan 2 are affected regardless 132tsi or 162tsi (higline and rline) some have more and some less but noise is there and this is issue and not acceptable for new car costing 50k - 60k , only 1.4 tsi 2wd are not 100% affected with this problem noise less and smoothness perfect! So all pointing problem is somewhere from Automatic transmission to rear deferential . Put car in eco mode (best way to test as engine has less rpm ) dont use Eco in indvidual menu but directly as Eco directly use costing function ( but Eco in individual menu not using it )which more activate and deactivate clutches ,close the windows sunroof,switch off radio fan, drive alone in quiet street nigh time after 12 when no traffic so you can isolate all external noise and concentrate to inside car noise, find street with lots of humps and roundabout where you need to constantly slow down and drive slowly up to 40km ,once you notice this noise you will always after hear it even during day time and in louder environment , if you dont notice rattle clicking noise than sorry but problem is with hearing( no offence to anyone) or you have 100 % perfect tiguan which i doubt after i tested at least 10 4wd new tiguans and all have issue noted above, some have more and some less noise
    Kind Regards
    cameleon72 if you listen to the you tube recording on a desk top computer at a higher volume you will hear the grating noise. Expand the video recording description as there are specific times noted when the noise is most prominent.

    If your opinion is right there could well be a problem with the transfer box which was a possibility as mentioned by the DEKRA independent engineer I appointed. (transfer box is specific to 4 motion derivatives).

    At present I am still in dispute with VW in the UK so will let you know when I know more.

  2. #42
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    Hi Justice
    For sure I can hear some noise but what I am trying to explain to others who are not familiar with isue this what you recorded and this sound when you are in car is nothing dramatic and same comparing when you hear in live while driving is much worse and more distracting at least on my car , problem is definitely somewhere in clutches from DSG to rear Differential .

    I don't know if you sometime can hear when run over hump and when car jump and hit ground with wheels and if you at same time press gas pedal or brakes you will hear most this clunking rattle like something is lose like screws or some other lose metal touching metal walls , I think this is the clutch lose and hitting the walls casing , because if you jump over any big hump but not touching brake pedal or gas pedals than would be no any noise all nice and tide no rattle no clicking clucking noise ,so that's why my conclusion is more rear differential or even differential close to DSG Box .New Car with this issue like this is rubbish old truck not accepted and VW need to replace this as new car should be not completely disassembled and serviced will be never again New, DSG Box Differential issue is big dirty job time consuming once they take off repair and put back all parts always can something different accidently more go wrong, included vibration with engine and engine mounts ,they need to take apart half car basically and lots small parts included PVC cables, wires twisting mounting ,can be half broken that you even dont know till later fail and shortened manufactures life of new parts I know this from experience fixing my car, I don't want after anything happen have in my mind is because they have disassemble my brand new car to fix this issue , VW should give Buyer legal right to decide to receive new car replacement or full refund. I repeat that I have detected and reported this noise rattle clucking issue and demonstrated problems to VW Dealer next day I picked my car ;(
    Last edited by cameleon72; 07-12-2017 at 10:48 PM.

  3. #43
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    @cameleon72 you should change your handle to EvelKnievil if you’re making jumps. 🤣 The suspension is so stiff, I’d expect my teeth to rattle too🤪

  4. #44
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    You all was making fun here and trying to convince me i is normal DSG VW . but looks like Tiger73 you experience now same magic of bad VW quality build with tiguan 4wd .
    When I was pointing this about last year on my brand new Tiguan wich I noticed first day this rattle / clunking sound coming somewhere bellow like Automatic DSG box / gear transfer box or differential to haldex It is like ''clunk clunk' rattle noise like something is lose inside and hitting on metal case, noticed on low speed 10-25km and when you take foot from gas paddle and put again ,even in reverse can be noticed going back and forward .
    Take look this video similar problem reported user of Tiguan 2 4wd from Singapore and lots of other users in UK have reported same problem
    Something is huge wrong wit 4WD on new Tiguans or at last on effected production line built .We need to put pressure on VW to resolve as this is not like they try to convince us '' normal characteristic of new DSG car'' , at least not of any my previous 4 VAG cars in my collection o cars in family .
    This bellow I experience is exactly the same , and is my nightmare

    YouTube Here is well shown when he lifted car and done test in garage how engine /dsg /transfer box rattle and make clunking noise

    4 Motion DSG Noise upon Deceleration at low speed! - Page 7 - VW Tiguan MK2 Forums

  5. #45
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    Maybe I am wrong, but I have felling that you will receive same response as me and the other owners with similar issue: sorry but nothing wrong with your car, is just 'characteristic of VW transmission drive''.
    Even video I posted in back posts clearly showing defiantly is something huge wrong with 4wd clunking/ rattle issue on affected production Tiguan 2 4wd model . Even not experienced mechanic will tell you that's is not normal and is faulty!
    We just need to stick together , collect and document as much information stay connected and put pressure to VW to finally issue recall for affected cars and fix this problem! Instead talking kids story to Owners using tricks and playing monkey games.

    PS. I have some filling that this clunking rattle issue can be also because DSG and Engine factory mounts are maybe not suitable for this model or is just lose (missing screws) and having way to much play , it just sometime feels like DSG engine mounts are lose so it produce such a strong rattle . I checked mounts under engine plastic cover but the ones under battery didn't as nee to remove air intake complete and battery

  6. #46
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    Just watched those video's

    This issue sounds awful. As the car is undriveable can you ...

    Volkswagen has also undertaken to establish a ‘60-day policy’, where it will offer refunds or replacements without the need for a consumer to demonstrate a major failure, if a defect prevents a vehicle from being driveable within the first 60 days after purchase.

    Volkswagen undertakes to fix consumer guarantees approach | ACCC

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by FastMitch View Post
    Just watched those video's

    This issue sounds awful. As the car is undriveable can you ...

    Volkswagen has also undertaken to establish a ‘60-day policy’, where it will offer refunds or replacements without the need for a consumer to demonstrate a major failure, if a defect prevents a vehicle from being driveable within the first 60 days after purchase.

    Volkswagen undertakes to fix consumer guarantees approach | ACCC
    I don’t think that his car is undriveable.

  8. #48
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    Hi FastMitch

    The car is purchased before 1 year now and since first day reported back to crook vw dealer but as ignorant VW Australia customer support and sales dealers are backing each others and listen big boss and are cheater and layer crooks instead to replace me car or issue refund back , they try to mock me around with this ****y tiguan 4wd dsg\ haldex drivetrain for year now! Trying to convince other and me is normal characteristics of vw . yeah right what a crap VW!
    Just look videos and tell me is this normal for any car manafactured at least 20 years back! You don't need to be any expert to spot this manufactures bad quality defect product here ! And I am not the only one ,every single owner with this issue describe ""exactly with same words"" the same problem same issue across world forums with this 4wd Tiguan 2 ****y drive train with Tiguan 2 4wd models

    I will repeat here again Tiguan 2 with only 2wd front drive are not affected att all with this kind issues , so it clearly pointing that VW has some sirious issues only with 4 motion drive so thats why telling kids storry thats is "normal vw characteristics" as they trying everything to hide this but again doing nothing instead to issue recall and finally fix the problem as am sure what I am tested and noticed that most new Tiguan 2 4wd have this issue.,
    On some lucky 4wd tiguan 2 car this noise is less dominant with just fine clunk sound with no execive rattle and on most unlucky others as my are very heavy rattle clunking noise as seen in videos from links above and from other ppl forum posts .
    Will this clunking rattle noise develope even more as time pass most likly but time will show . But following other forums acrros world I just see more and more users reporting same issues .

    I will also call all Owners ( i know many of you are not registered just reading only same as i was for years) and encorouge more owners if notice this issue on they Tiguan 2 to report and write here on forums and imidietly contact VW, if is new car and under 60 days purchase my advice: if you can just use 60 days new lemon law and ask for full refund! don't look any other option! It will not go away or settle down byself if Dealer told you and this is not definetly vw characteristics , it can be just worse this rattle and clunking is no good!
    As we have more people reporting this issue will be more pressure for VW to fix the problem! Seating and waiting to someone else fix issue will not help anyone and will make more damage to our cars!
    If i know before about this 4wd tiguan 2 issue problem I would never ever touch or purchase Tiguan 2! Even I am VW fan and all my previous cars are vag ,nice design and good engine is not only what make car good choice! This is first time I was burned with new vw lemon car and had worst new car support ever . Now fully understand why everywhere people hate vw for reailability and bad service support reputation. I always used to fix and service my cars myself so didn't expirance bad vw layers and cheaters crook team service department.

    So FastMitch unfortunately I think I can't use this new lemon law as is past 60 days or maybe I am wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by FastMitch View Post
    Just watched those video's

    This issue sounds awful. As the car is undriveable can you ...

    Volkswagen has also undertaken to establish a ‘60-day policy’, where it will offer refunds or replacements without the need for a consumer to demonstrate a major failure, if a defect prevents a vehicle from being driveable within the first 60 days after purchase.

    Volkswagen undertakes to fix consumer guarantees approach | ACCC
    Last edited by cameleon72; 11-10-2018 at 03:04 PM.

  9. #49
    It appears that this DSG noise issue/mechanical defect is not going away fast!

    It appears every VAG product that is fitted with the DQ500 DSG is having the same serial problem, here is a link to a SKODA Forum regarding Kodiaq variant DSG noise issues - NOISE - Skoda Kodiaq - BRISKODA

    My wife's dispute relating to her 2017 Tiguan R-Line has unfortunately become a legal matter since December 2017 which she is still embroiled in as VW UK's legal team are continuing to make excuses and buy time. However they are running out of time as court proceedings will ensue shortly if they do not conclude our concerns to a satisfactory outcome.

    My wife's Tiguan has been parked up in storage since August 2017 having only travelled 3,000 miles which is costing her a sizeable expense as she has to maintain HP payments, road tax, servicing and GAP insurance.

    The fight for "Justice" continues!!

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by cameleon72 View Post
    Hi FastMitch

    The car is purchased before 1 year now and since first day reported back to crook vw dealer but as ignorant VW Australia customer support and sales dealers are backing each others and listen big boss and are cheater and layer crooks instead to replace me car or issue refund back , they try to mock me around with this ****y tiguan 4wd dsg\ haldex drivetrain for year now! Trying to convince other and me is normal characteristics of vw . yeah right what a crap VW!
    Just look videos and tell me is this normal for any car manafactured at least 20 years back! You don't need to be any expert to spot this manufactures bad quality defect product here ! And I am not the only one ,every single owner with this issue describe ""exactly with same words"" the same problem same issue across world forums with this 4wd Tiguan 2 ****y drive train with Tiguan 2 4wd models
    cameleon, your best option is to commence proceedings in NCAT straight away. Cost is about $70

    It will be a month before you get a hearing date, but in that time you can prepare all the correspondence you have had with VW.
    Produce a timeline of events and if you can get an independent report, VW will be fighting an uphill battle in NCAT.

    You should also contact the ACCC to submit a formal complaint regarding VW seeing as they just recently ordered a directive to VW to follow a strict procedure for warranty issues. The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) is quite strong for consumers.
    Last edited by FastMitch; 11-10-2018 at 11:18 PM.

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