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Thread: V5 Bora Startup Issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Users Country Flag

    V5 Bora Startup Issues

    Hi all,
    Having issues with my V5 Bora where when I go to start it it'll take a few attempts to start, when it does finally start it idles rough for a little bit before sorting itself out. Have noticed it some times surges when I first take off but no issues any other time. I have run VAG-COM on it with the following errors
    P1142 - Load Calculation Cross Check Lower Limit Exceeded
    P0411 - Sec.Air Inj.Sys. Incorrect Flow Detected
    P0130 - O2 Sensor Circ.,Bank1-Sensor1 Malfunction
    P1424 -Sec.Air Inj.Sys.,Bank1 Leak Detected
    P0117 - Engine Coolant Temp.Circ Low Input
    P1103- O2 Sensor Heating Circ.,Bank1-Sensor1 Output too Low

    Both 02 sensors have been replaced need to look into why the error still occurs other than that no idea whats happening.
    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag

    Check for vacuum leaks, particularly the plastic pipe from the brake booster.

    Also check that there are no PCV breather hoses broken or split.

    Temp sensor code is most likely a bad sensor.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

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