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Thread: Loose ends

  1. #11

    Yeah, mine is fine during the night and when the inside is at low temps, however the qld heat seas to it that the inside of my car is never below anything reasonable, all those photos and videos are of well over 30deg, car was sitting in direct heat closed up, trust me it was well and truely 40+ deg in the cabin.

    To explain a bit more about how this works, lcds have variable contrast, which in basic sense creates different viewing angles as it changes the frequency of the panel, by increasing the contrast you change the viewing angle (and it's brightness ) thus 'repairing' the LCD. Why it changes in higher temps? It's basically the two pieces of glass with the element in the middle of them expanding, which changes the contrast of the screen, as it makes it harder for the LCD to produce its lines. This generally starts on the outside and works it way in. Anywho's, it cost me about $8 because I bought a few different pots and resisters. However it should cost most people about $3.50 and about an hour. Medium soldering skills are required.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    gold coast qld
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siggers View Post
    Yeah, mine is fine during the night and when the inside is at low temps, however the qld heat seas to it that the inside of my car is never below anything reasonable, all those photos and videos are of well over 30deg, car was sitting in direct heat closed up, trust me it was well and truely 40+ deg in the cabin.

    To explain a bit more about how this works, lcds have variable contrast, which in basic sense creates different viewing angles as it changes the frequency of the panel, by increasing the contrast you change the viewing angle (and it's brightness ) thus 'repairing' the LCD. Why it changes in higher temps? It's basically the two pieces of glass with the element in the middle of them expanding, which changes the contrast of the screen, as it makes it harder for the LCD to produce its lines. This generally starts on the outside and works it way in. Anywho's, it cost me about $8 because I bought a few different pots and resisters. However it should cost most people about $3.50 and about an hour. Medium soldering skills are required.
    where in Queensland are you buddy?


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
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    Please, I want to know how to fix this!

    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

  4. #14
    No dramas, I'll put together a step by step.

  5. #15
    Well I replaced the cam angle sensor, no change, $164 well spent. So I hear this means I need to change the cam chain guides and tensioners? All of them or just the upper ones? I assume this means a gearbox removal if they all need doing? Anyone on here know anyone that can do this?

  6. #16
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    What's the error code your getting?
    2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by beale187 View Post
    What's the error code your getting?

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    mmm.... Any performance issues? Misfire? hard to start etc....

  9. #19
    Starts fine, I get what seems to be a miss occasionally, power is lacking down low, and hesitates someone's when accelerating, no check engine light

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    I had same codes on 1st Bora. NO issues starting , no misses no problems at all ......
    It ran ok I thought but compared to current car Bora 2 - no codes - was down on torque and just generally was sluggish .....

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