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Thread: Mk6 R oil level sensor replacement cost?

  1. #1

    Mk6 R oil level sensor replacement cost?

    Oil light flashed orange a couple of times whilst driving today. Took it home and let it sit for a while on flat ground then checked the oil and it was low. Topped it off but the light still flashes 3 times when you turn the key to on. Book reckons the oil level sensor is borked.

    What sort of coinage am I up for to have that replaced?

    Edit: Just read that closing the bonnet is a trigger to clear the light once the oil has been topped off? Is there any truth in that?
    Last edited by willsy01; 08-06-2017 at 05:21 PM.

  2. #2 can all stop panicking. Seems closing the bonnet clears the notification.

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